Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘events’ tag

Sound Fertilizer at Tiefgarage Galery, Cologne

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Installation that utilizes sound, light and living plant, “Sound  Fertilizer” is presented at Cologne gallery Tiefgarage situated in multicultural Ebertplatz, between 22. and 26. July 2018.

Zucchini plant is positioned at the middle of the gallery, a light bulb above and two mobile phones with sets of frequencies placed next to the plant. Zucchini has been planted in the straw bale at Center for Creative Solution in Croatia and after few months transported with  car over the half-borders (borders running only on one side of the neighboring countries) to Cologne. Cucurbita L has no known origin, some coming from USA and some from India. Its multiculturalism resembles every large EU city with its multicultural inhabitants and especially Cologne’s Ebertplatz where it is situated. 

Light used has spectrum of 4000K that enables growth and flowering, while two recycled mobile phones (non functioning, used only as sound players) play sets of frequencies created especially for zucchini plant.

Sound Fertilizer encourages plant to grow in healthy and stable conditions, inside the gallery. Technology enabled art for the plant can also pos3e a question of its environment – anthropocentric culture that grows on both neo-liberal capitalism and/or social state of liberal humanism, while neither of options are furthering away from unbalanced relationship of people as subject and plants as object.

This installation makes plant a subject, as sound is artistically produced and intended for a plant.

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August 10th, 2018 at 11:07 am

“Ecocentric” exhibition with the students in RMZ EcoWorld, Bangalore

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3 weeks of workshops with Srishti University for Art, Design and Technology students resulted with an exhibition opened on 14.12.17.  in the complex of RMZ Ecoworld in Banglaore, India’s most rapidly growing city that has it’s devastating effect on the environment. As Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, its population is growing at amazing rate. RMZ IT Park, with office spaces, health activity facilities, shopping, dining, amphitheatre and art gallery, promotes itself as “work-leisure sustainable environment where natural and architectural forms are symbiotically integrated using responsible planning and precise engineering”.

Site specific installation “Ecocentric” juxtapositions its organic aesthetics to human engineered pavilion that proudly announces its ecological concept. A small forest was created, mulched with coconut leftovers from Bangalore street vendors. After that it was inhabited with multi-plant life that was “fed” by the custom frequencies from small speakers placed in the soil.

LCD screen was informing public on ecocentric activities dating all the way back to beginning of 20th century, proposing sound as a genuine organic fertilizer for the plants.

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April 27th, 2018 at 10:06 am

16 channel sound fertilizer (sound garden) @ silba art environement

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16 Channel Fertilizer (2.0) was exhibited at Silba Art Environment festival happening during July and August 2017 at small island Silba, set just off the coast of Croatia’s town of Zadar. 16CSF is upgrade on 1.0 of the same multichannel sound installation presented earlier this year in Berlin. This time set up is at Silba’s open space gallery among sculptural work of Marija Ujević Galetović. Each channel is playing one of the researched sounds or musical scores that is said to help particular aspects or plants with its vibration. Exhibition is thus not set for humans, but for plant world.

Installation consists of small wooden resonant boxes that have transportable battery and solar panel connected to them that are powering recycled mobile phones used as sound players. each sound box was set up near its plant, growing there because it was planted or self-grown. They stay in contrast to sculptural work by their number and position, not intending to be there for human visitors, but placed around and for the plants.

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August 9th, 2017 at 8:58 pm

Reclaim and Defend the ‘Old Territories’

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Reclaiming and defending the ‘old territories’  for any meaningful and inhabitable future.

MMkamp brought more than 30 people together to investigate, reclaim, create TAZ, participate, learn, acknowledge and appreciate trough workshop and presentation.

Have a look at photolog.

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August 27th, 2013 at 7:35 pm

Sound Art Inkubator 2013

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Sound Art Inkubator curated by Kontejner and exhibited in Gallery Močvara in Zagreb on opening day brought together Ivan Jovanovac, Tin Dožić and Kruno Jošt. Their collaboration is exquisite 30 minutes ambient dream.

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May 8th, 2013 at 8:39 pm

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De(con)structing Conformity

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De(con)structing Conformity – video documentation from GentleJunk on Vimeo.

De(con)structing Conformity is performance done during the opening of the exhibition REFLECTION – Ecology of Cultural Landscape on 22nd November 2012. in gallery Scheier, Čakovec, Croatia.
In De(con)structing Conformity Kruno Jošt together with collaborators Maja Kohek and Simon Podlauf destroys an armchair as a symbol of conformity in contemporary society. The armchair represents a passive attitude in an even more passive society where one doesn’t want to lose their armchair while making political moves. It gives us false security and is as such a symbol of power. The de(con)struction of the symbol enables reflection on our own conformity. The question now is how we confront conformity in contemporary society?

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November 30th, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Textil{e}tronics in Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia

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From textile to electronic thread, from substance to fashion item

02.03.2012. – 01.04.2012.
Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia 


‘Let’s now delve deep into the fluff’
Massimo Banzi, Getting Started with Arduino

‘Following the development of a simple thread into complex new media objects, the exhibition will touch upon recent developments in the areas of wearable technology and electronic sculpting through lumino light objects and the presentation of Arduino microcontrollers.

Dealing with sculptural textile (J. Štefanec) and electronic thread (A. Klančić), designed substance and new meanings of objects (P. Dona), as well as socially responsible textile art (M. M. Pungerčar), the exhibition presents an overview of contemporary new media directions and questions the meaning of the medium as such. The social and emacipatory aspects of textile arts are clear – they invoke thoughts of industrial manufacturing, DIY subculture and self-sustained systems, especially in relation to recent similar developments in the fields of open source and wearable technology (Arduino, Body Pixel Studio).

The thread as a seemingly fragile, but basically all-pervasive, almost indestructible matter, and the wire as a conductor and an arbiter of electrons are hereby linked. Juxtaposed in a way, the materials provide the cohesive narrative for the objects presented. The exhibition examines this link from the microscopic amorphous shape and suppleness of the material, all the way to the subtle robustness of the objects. Mechanic perfection, be it the human body or a machine, is not a prerogative here, since the delightful awkwardness of mechanics does not comply with the projected reality. The uncertainty of the performance which accompanies every new-media art process, is quite well suited to the fragility of the textile thread.’
Text by Deborah Hustic

Guerilla knitters: Una Bauer, Ana Dadić a.k.a. ŠtrikAna, Vana Gaćina, Ivana Ivković, Antonija Letinić, Maja Kalogera, Marijana Rimanić, Maša Žarnić.

Curator: Deborah Hustić

DIY Arduino by Davor Jandrijević Emard

Curator’s assistant & organizer: Ana Kovačić
Design: Petra Zlonoga
Music: Kruno Jošt



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March 2nd, 2012 at 9:58 am

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MMKamp ’11

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Field recording during MMKamp '11

Multimedia cam – MMKamp was held this year in Marija Bistrica and Zabok, north Croatia. Read more about it here >>
Have a look at the photolog>> or lilsten to the audio drama recorded in a group fashion by all the participants:

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May 23rd, 2011 at 9:03 am

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Noise event SONIFICATION III hosted noise musicians from Croatia and Italy. In culture centre Kocka in Split on 14th Novembre BRAINTOURNIQUET (Venice), NARAYAN (Sisak), GENTLEJUNK (Zagreb), VIŠESLAV LABOSH (Zagreb)
KARMAKUMULATOR + POWERSET AXIOM (Split) presented their audio-visual works that was questioning what is and how can therm Sonification be represented.

BRAINTOURNIQUET, Venice. Creating noise with el. magnetic fields.

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November 21st, 2010 at 12:20 pm

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EEII’10 and MMKamp’10 reports

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EEII’10 and MMKamp’10 reports can be found here:

MMKamp >>


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November 9th, 2010 at 5:00 pm

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Mario Jaksic in interactive performace suit

Mario Jaksic in interactive performace suit

In gallery Scheier, Čakovec, Croatia, on 05th December 2009, EEII’09 12 hour event brought together artists from Greece, Netherlands, Italy and Croatia.

Blog entry with personal observation >>

ART01 entry describing how EEII’09 functioned >>

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January 26th, 2010 at 10:23 am

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Temporary Autonomus Arts in Manchester

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Wall graphite

Wall graphite

Inspired by London collective ‘Random Artists’, over the past few years collective groups in Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh and Brighton have been coming together to create a cultural, interactive, autonomous space where people are free to be, free to create, and free to express themselves. Forbiden Arts Manchester in 2009 happened in occupied primary school building that was left empty waiting for decisions by city hall and omnipotent property developers will it be brought down or repaired. Idea was to enter existing space that is not used at the moment and put it into public use for local community. Doors were open to everyone who wanted to take part in collective art event.

Noisy Toys room - colective sound/noise experiance

Noisy Toys room - colective sound/noise experiance

Wall paintings, poetry readings, video nights, fashion show, sound workshops, cabaret, installations, raveoke night, all fitted in aesthetics of local event that is characterized on MFA web page as: “An event like this doesn’t just happen but is the result of many, many people’s hard work.”

TAA Manchester big hall event

TAA Manchester big hall event

Noisy Toys collaborative event video >>

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January 15th, 2010 at 1:58 pm

CR 4.0 won Artemov 1st prize for locative media competition

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As it is, as it goes, prizes are starting to come in for the work that insisted on taking representative form from participative processes developed beforehand. Its 4th reincarnation happened in slightly different context, most notably in its new terms of negotiating project in the newly formed team. Positions that prizes involve: question of value, ownership, possible marketing strategies, group dynamics according to personal needs and acceptance of needs of others have surfaced at metalevel. CultureRobot became something that could easily be put into broad cultural concept and disseminated in the form it is trough events and festivals. Read more on Belo Horizonte and Salvador festival here >>.

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November 10th, 2009 at 2:08 pm

Actfest in Čakovec, CRO

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Circuit bending workshops and sound performance organized during ACTFEST in Čakovec brought ZID.BUKE (NoiseWall) together once again (maybe for the last time in this decade!).

Circuit bending workshop was finalized by performance that invited audience to try all the instruments created or recreated. As it goes with invitation for participative events, ego is dispersed, fines is lost.

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November 1st, 2009 at 2:04 pm

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Last Theater Show Ever

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September started with THE LAST THEATER SHOW EVER,  I-Camp theater, Munchen. Idea and methodology was to deconstruct traditional theater trough series of collaborative works where one work was supposed to lean on another, where each participant brings an idea and connects it to someone. International crew came around and investigated for 5 days in what might be called horizontal construction decision making and constant reevaluating of the final presentation that was constructed of three distinctive pieces.

All three were on collaboration but with different input and output models: one was following movements outside of theater and by computer calculations bringing it inside trough sound and visuals done with found (theater) hardware.

Another used sound in feedback communication that deconstructed viewers position and placement in theater, being done under the stage and audience sitting space.

Third one used virtual theater through on-line software with international particiants being projected on theater walls, together with orchestrated individual who brought event there.

Experiment was worth while intentions to discover what are group dynamics when artist are put together to work on something that calls for collaboration and sharing. Not to forget to mention that putting creativity with different bacgrounds into same place can be very frustrating and cathartic at the same time.

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October 10th, 2009 at 12:42 pm

Free Traveling Radio @ Medika

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Free Traveling Radio was hosted by Clubture Forum in Autonomous Cultural Center Medika in Zagreb. During four days of forum and festival activities we have had almost 24/7 radio going on with open microphone, DJ sets, recorded talks etc. Read more and listen to podcasts here>>

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June 23rd, 2009 at 4:32 pm

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MIMOSA at Linz

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During Liwoli festival in Linz (April 2009), Austria, Ricardo Palmieri and Kruno Jošt created another MIMOSA. Read more on creating it here >> and more on the MIMOSA ACTION here >>.  Thanx for all the help to all participants!
At Liwoli fest a performance of LiveNoiseTupi also took place with helping hand of  Daniel Turing and other people from the audience. Documentary about the festival can be downloaded here >> and photolog here>>.
Most interesting are talks made during MIMOSA Action with the students >>, free media jurnalist>>, tourist>> and with artist>>.

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June 22nd, 2009 at 8:06 pm

Futuresonic Fringe @ Arcspace, Hulme

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Social Technologies Summit Futuresonic is international festival trying to answer questions of tomorrow: how will we interact with each other and nature around us in future. Futuresonic festivals fringe at Arcspace in St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center answered the question trough its grassroots movement created events that hosted, among many other events, CultureRobot installation.

Arcspace is situated in ex-church building that is turned into St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center  since 1992  – a unique architecture where insides of the church are transformed into enterprise center for ethical businesses and NGOs. St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center is situated in Hulme, an  area near to Manchester city center. Hulme was mapped not only as a territory but also as a specific part of the city with vibrant activist community and a history. ArcSpace was visited by people of different age and heterogeneous needs and activities, exchanging their beliefs, stories and producing new possibilities for exchange and collaboration in spirit of free culture.

Culture Robot installation was created by help of the community from the start to the end. Materials were collected or borrowed instead of purchased or rented, help with programing for interactive part of the installation was done by  friends and volunteers, and installation debuted at Saturday on the open, community day, that hosted events inside and outside the Center.CR 3.0 installation created a new relationship between local community and this art piece. More than ever people were active in collecting material, discussing and managing to interconnect installation with other events during Futuresonic fringe.

CR 3.0 mapped more than just Hulme, it mapped its people, relationships, how they feel about city development, architecture, organizations working with art and culture in Manchester and how financing is a part of the culture and where does it lead culture to, it showed community strength and grassroots development.  During the open days, all ethnic, age, academic and other walks of life were united and exchanged opinions, questions and ideas.

Guerrilla busking was happening in the city throughout the day, graffite artists were spraying on the vans and trailers (an identifiable vehicle in the Redbrick’s area of the Hulme – where travelers and free people of all sorts live). People from recycled biodiesel group, local bcycle repair man, drummers, community artists, foreign guests, local volunteers and experts were united to make a truly social event, creating bridges between cultures, people and technology in universal feeling of unity.

Read “Report From FutureSonic 2009” By Jonah Brucker on

Photolog on Futuresonic Fringe at Arcspace >>

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May 26th, 2009 at 5:36 pm

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CultureRobot installation 1.0 and 2.0

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CR installation 2.0 at SESC Sao Jose dos Campos in Brazil followed 1.0 that was installed at HAIP festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. CultureRobot is interactive installation that rises awareness about maps, open spaces and borders. It invites visitors/users/participators to rearrange, open or close borders and thus interact with the map inhabitants – CultureRobot (simple robots powered by batteries, moving randomly on the map) allowing them to consume more or less of different cultural aspects. CR is interactive installation made to raise awareness of social and political sphere that is affecting autonomous cultural sphere, synergies and correspondences in geo-techno-socio-political topology.

CR 1.0

CR 2.0

Check extensive blogging with video, photolog and process description on CR  here>>

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February 16th, 2009 at 11:26 pm

Deconstructing MAX ART exhibit

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Deconstucting art work from yet unknown Croatian artist that was exhibiting at MAX ART festival happening in Zagreb in October 2008. Exhibit is glass layout of the Croatian parliament in which mice live.

What is visible is that there is a hand from the visitor trying to save the mice from the cage/parliament and let them free.

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October 14th, 2008 at 12:24 pm

GentleJunk and Vj. Palm @ MMKamp ’08

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MMKamp ’08 (at Art Workshop Lazareti in Dubrovnik) joined artists and scientists in experimental and virtual sound production.
GentleJunk and Vj Palm had a session together on Saturday 05th using underwater images and sounds collected from beach together with sound processed using recycled technologies and open source software.

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July 7th, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Deconstructing in heart of Rio

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During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
cutting it down

Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi, Frado on sound and Kruno Jošt. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.
dja kicking it in

To see event photolog go here >>

Dorkbot-RJ Zero from bruno tarin on Vimeo.

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June 3rd, 2008 at 2:35 am


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GentleJunk is sharing a virtual stage with Julie Rousse on upcoming noplacard festival, Sunday 17th February, 2 o’clock in the morning.

is a mix in between the (((NOMUSIC))) festival and the placard headphone festival that lasts for 24 hours in Paris at la menagerie de verre during the Economie0 event.

(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space. Nowadays, these emerging new multimedia performances allow everybody to approach music in a more singular way, with a different listening practice and on a more sharing scene.

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February 10th, 2008 at 9:17 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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A recording from EEII ’07 festival that took place in Cultural Center Lamparna in Labin, Croatia. EEII ’07 started on 19th of October 2007 and lasted for 33 hours. It is, sadly, only event of this kind in Croatia.
EEII stands for Experimental Electronic Interventions, a DIY project occasionally helped by breadcrumbs and leftovers.

EEII festival experiments with the instruments (self-made, retro, digital, analog, mix…), with ways how to play, with improvisation in every way. Hope you will enjoy it, and will ask for more!

Released at GentleJunk NetLabel december 2007.


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December 20th, 2007 at 5:49 pm