Archive for the ‘najava/announcement’ Category
Exhibition, conference, camp and much more at Pixelache
Pixelache Festival 2013 with its theme of Facing North Facing South profiles the work of the Bricolabs mailing list, an independent and dynamic network of people absorbed with sharing, DIY, open source software, hardware and environmental sustainability living in various localities across the world whose online and offline exchange of heterogeneous practices and ideas have driven the network since its formation in 2006.
Bricolabs’ Exhibition
Where: Suvilahti ‘Square’ (location to be confirmed), free entrance!
Opening: Thursday 16.5. at 19.00
Exhibition dates: 17.-26.5., from Wednesday to Sunday 13.00 – 18.00
Three shipping containers will host workshops and artworks made by various members of Bricolabs: A ‘brico-archive’ corner assembled by Gabriele Asbesto, including diverse documentation on processes, including “how-to’s”, video works, texts and brico-objects; A nearby graffiti wall will provide an evolving open canvas for demonstration and exchange of concepts, ideas and views; An interactive installation – Vjing Nature – created by Ivan Henriques & Kasia Molga and Erik Overmeire will invite us to address inter-connections between sensor technology, data vis and microbiology; In addition, the Sensorium project from Salvador de Bahia will be presented on video. Collaborative curation; visual design: Kruno Jost.
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki is a showcase of works answering the question How would you host an ancient alien? The artists in the exhibition responded to an international call for proposals inspired by Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles, a book detailing how the human species originated from extraterrestrial beings. These distant relatives are scheduled to return to the earth in December 2012.
Participating artists have proposed a variety of convivial acts to welcome Annunaki families from the planet Nibiru upon their return visit to earth after a 3,600-year orbit. The projects take a variety of forms, from an intergalactic calling card to a bed away from home, collegial gestures of kindness that reveal the customs that we embrace as human citizens of earth.
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki provides a constructive take on Sitchin’s mythology, one of the many associated with the year 2012. Exhibition is held in Open Space Artist Run Centre (Victoria, Canada), November 16, 2012 – December 21, 2012.
Among many, I am am the one, who has been contacted by Annunaki, many times, sometimes while asleep, sometimes awake. They inform me over and over again of their visit, and I know I have to await for them and clean my temple. I have to await and take care of the temple that will host them. And that temple is me.
Most of us are unaware that Annunaki is/are not of mater, but of spirit, and to host them you do not clean the interior of your house, but interior of your self. One cleans it with rigour, spiritual and mental, in taking out the trash, and taking in the health and beauty.
When Annunaki comes, we greet It to our temple, we let It to ourself, and we carry It where we go, we feed It what we eat, It sleeps when we sleep, It sees what we see. That is why if we host them we have to restrain from bad habits, we have to restrain from manipulative toughs, we have to restrain from hurting ourself and others. When we host It we do it with pleasure and It lives trough us.
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
Impromondays: Tracery
Tracery is three piece recording filled with ostinatos. It traces atmospheres of Gothic churches in minimal manner. Not a usual Impromondays recording, this one has more harmonics, playfully shared by two guitars. Its seriousness and interest is everlasting
Impromondays crew:
Dragan Pajic – Pajo: noises, prepared frying pan, vocals, el. guitar and effects;
Kruno Jošt: el.guitar with effects, laptop, prepared instruments.
Impromondays are sessions recorded at ‘Silence Reservoir’ (Parainstitut Indoš) club in Zagreb. This sessions are dedicated to all who are interested in improvisation in its full sense, no matter if it is visual, musical or concerned with the body movement.
Recorded April 2010.
Edited by Dragan Pajić Pajo
GentleJunk co. NetLabel release ’10
Time: 25 min.
ART01 Project in its 11th Month
ART01 is a project that examines art operating systems trough self reflection on artistic practices done in last 11 months – from September 2009 to July 2010. On 25th July ART01 has a public presentation in ContentArt gallery, Kreutzbergstr. Berlin. Please join for collaborative public event, spiced with pirate radio, on-line broadcast, social games, linux install party, exchange and swap, loop and feedback.
Diagrams are important part of ART01 project, have a look at gallery >>
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
The Closet
Tapes mixed, analogue overdubbed with noises, voices, on the top of that old records (maybe pulled out of the closet?). Noise bricolage from suicidal genius that goes by the name POLYGRAPH .
3 pieces ‘The Closet’ are about coming out of one, or digging deep into one… decide on your own.
126 minutes of noise bricolage at it’s best, uncut, pure, serious and with no stops.
GentleJunk co. NetLabel release 18/12/07
Recorded somewhere 2005
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
HEIKE FIEDLER: vocals and lyrics, traverse flute, melodia
STEVE BUCHANAN: 2nd line, electronics, el. guitar, alto sax
KRUNO JOST: laptop, classical guitar, el. guitar, melodia
RUNNING TIME: 26 TRACKS, 25:23 min (here all as one track)
GentleJunk co. rec. 08.
COVER: Kruno Jost
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
LiveNoiseTupi @ MAMA
‘LNT live at MAMA’ are Cristiano Rosa (Pan&Tone – prepared electronics), Ricardo Palmieri (VJPalm – FOSS software) and Kruno Jošt (GentleJunk – prepared el., FOSS software).
Recorded and edited by Kruno Jošt November 2008 at MAMA club, Zagreb.
Time: 23 min
GentleJunk is sharing a virtual stage with Julie Rousse on upcoming noplacard festival, Sunday 17th February, 2 o’clock in the morning.
noplacard is a mix in between the (((NOMUSIC))) festival and the placard headphone festival that lasts for 24 hours in Paris at la menagerie de verre during the Economie0 event.
(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space. Nowadays, these emerging new multimedia performances allow everybody to approach music in a more singular way, with a different listening practice and on a more sharing scene.
EEII trailer
Experimental Electronic interventions festival this year DIY style –
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
GentleJunk co.
Albume a Day – CA1
In Album a Day manner minimal constructions of cellular automata generated sounds and compositions. CA in python software application written by Lesh, other FOSS audio applications done in Ubuntu studio Linux distribution.
CA is digital game of life, as this is game of sound.
Recorded and published in GentleJunk NetLabel home-studio on 30/08/2007.
A cellular automaton is a group of cells that evolves only by nearest neighbor interaction. They are thought to be able to represent the evolution of living organisms and minerals. It is usually assumed that every cell in the universe starts in the same state, except for a finite number of cells in other states, often called a configuration. More generally, it is sometimes assumed that the universe starts out covered with a periodic pattern, and only a finite number of cells violate that pattern. The latter assumption is common in one-dimensional cellular automata.
Constructing: ‘UMJETNOST JE…’
Video installation ‘UMJETNOST JE…’ (ART IS…) can be seen on front windows of ex cinema ‘Kalnik’ in Križevci during night hours from 8th to 10th of June. Cinema ‘Kalnik’ is deserted and is not working for past 6 years.
Program ‘Unconquered City’ run by ‘Domaći’ has been researching unused or forgotten places (shops, factories, army barracks, etc.) in Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Pula and Križevci. This is second part of the project where, when spaces are located a temporary occupation and art exhibition is held inside or outside the building.
In Križevci ‘Domaći’ joined with ‘POUKŽ’ in financing the project. Part of the project is carried through network ‘Clubture’.
Beside ‘Art is…’ video installation by GentleJunk co. an theter will be run inside and throughout whole cinema by ‘Bacaći sjenki’ called ‘Exposition’.
Manifestacija Operacija grad:Jedinstvo otvara PRIVREMENI ILEGALNI CENTAR ZA KULTURU I MLADE u bivšoj tvornici Jedinstvo na Savskom nasipu u Zagrebu. Tokom manifestacioje održat će se Impronedjeljci (improvizirani experimentalni glazbeni sessioni) i video instalacija TVTurnoffWeek.
Pozadina događaja >>
Otvorenje izložbe DOKUMENTI
U petak,09.03.2007.u 19 sati, galerija MMC Luka, Pula, Istarska 30 otvoriti će se izložba ‘DOKUMENTI’. Izložba ostaje otvorena do 22.03.2007.
Izlažu: Mirjana Batinić, Valentino Bilić Prcić, Dušan Božić, Marčelo Brajnović, Petar Brajnović, Bala Bujar, Marijan Crtalić, Branka Cvjetičanin, Eros Čakić, Vlatko Čerić, Tanja Dabo, Mihal Durovka, Romina Dušić, Ivana Djukić, Mario Gazić, Andreja Gregorić, Igor Grubić, Igor Gustini, Ana Horvat i Andreja Hotko, Zdravko Horvat, Dominik Hudoklin, Pino Ivančić, Toni Jakac, Jernej Jemec, Kruno Jost, Vanda Jurković, Boris Kajmak, Dejan Kljun, Ksenija Kovačević i Milena Nena Popov, Elvis Krstulović, Juliana Kučan, Mirjana Lukić, Aprilija Luzar, Sonja Majstorović, Tanja Malbaša, Hana Miletić, Jadranka Ostić, Robert Pauletta, Maja Radešić, Denis Sardoz, Zora Stančić, Sven Stilinović, Manuel Šumberac, Ana Tomišin, Eugen Varzić, Svebor Vidmar, Maja Vidović, Joanna Zajac.
Projekt “Dokumenti” nastavak je međunarodnog projekta započetog 2005. godine pod nazivom “Print to Art”.
Ovogodišnje izdanje projekta pod nazivom “Dokumenti” sadržava nekoliko odrednica koje upućuju na promišljanje o fenomenu elektronskih medija i poziciji koju oni zauzimaju u suvremenom umjetničkom djelovanju.
Impromonday Sessions Collection out soon!
[photopress:impromonday12feb07_1.JPG,full,pp_image]CD ‘Impromonday Sessions Collection – vol. 1’ will be out hoppefuly end of February. 6 months of Impromondays will be fetured on this CD through work of: Franjo Guslać, D.P.Pajo, Vid Jeraj, K. Jost, Ana Ghallo, Miro Mance and many more.
‘Free Media Brazil’ will be screened at ‘Sloboda stvaralaštvu’ festival
[photopress:bscap001_1.jpg,full,alignleft] First part of the project in progress under working tite ‘Free Media Brazil’ is finished and will be screened at ‘Sloboda stvaralaštvu’ on 24th January at MM center (SC, Zagreb). Web version licensed Creative Commons BY-SA can be downloaded freely.
Sloboda stvaralaštvu!
Od 22. do 27. siječnja u Studentskom Centru i klubu Močvara u Zagrebu održava se treći Festival slobodne kulture, znanosti i tehnologije “Sloboda stvaralaštvu!” u organizaciji Multimedijalnog instituta.Tema ovogodišnjeg festivala su radiofrekvencijski spektar kao javno dobro, otvoreni komunikacijski standardi i građansko sudjelovanje u stvaranju medija.
Predavanja, izložba, projekcije i radionice u MM centru Studentskog centra prikazat će različite primjere preosvajanja radiofrekvencijskog spektra za građansko korištenje, primjere kao što su amaterski radio, piratski radio, “uradi sam” televizija i bežične mreže. Na koncertima u Močvari tijekom dvije večeri nastupat će izvođači slobodne glazbe i VJ-i iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije.
Oslobodimo valove!
GentleJunk co. live on ( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) ) F E S T I V A L X
On 13th december GentleJunk co. is playing live at ( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) ) F E S T I V A L X. at 14 h GMT+0 – Greenwich Time, together with Sonic Kitchen from Bremen, Germany.
Check the complete playlist of the (((NOMUSIC))) festival here >>
13. prosinca GentleJunk co. nastupa na virtualnom festivalu ( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) ) F E S T I V A L X. u 14 h GMT+0 (16h) zajedno sa Sonic Kitchen iz Bremena, Njemačka.
Cjelokupnu playlistu ((NOMUSIC))) festivala možete naći ovdje >>
[photopress:sysmap.png,full,pp_image]More info on (((NOMUSIC))):
(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space.
Festival will start at 00:00 and last till 24:00 with artists playing from all over the world on every full hour.
EGOBOO.bits proizvodaci + guests
[photopress:egoboo091206.png,full,pp_image]9.12.06′ 21.30 h Klub Kulture Križevci
EGOBOO.bits proizvodaci + guests Snažne doze elekronike u čijem se želucu miješaju začini kao što su big beat, drum’n’bass, noise minimalizm, freaky dub, glitch, idm, ethno elementi, movie music loopovi, jazz step, break beat… čiji će se izravni rezultati moći pratiti na platnima putem bezobraznog vj-inga<
Zid buke (Karlovac, Križevci) improvizacija-aritmično-minimal-noise-ambijent
Visitor Q (Križevci) drum’n’bass-break beat-clasic-chill-ethno-noise-movie music…
Robert Radamant (Križevci) drum’n’bass-big-break beat-fusion jazz-ethno-noise-post-math rock
InConnector (Koprivnica) MoDus OpeRandi : Breakbeat : D’n’B : electro : weirDness :
pHILLIp (Zagreb, Confusion) d’n’b, glitch hop, breaks, electro, dancehall, IDM…
visuals by: VJ GentleJunk co., VJ Denis Mikšić
Radionice internet radija u Mostaru
U Mostaru, OKC Abrašević, od 06. do 08. 12. traju radionice internet radija na kojima će se polaznici obućiti tehničku stranu i konceptualizaciju programa za slobodni radio. Tokom večeri biti će prikazani filmovi ‘Spin’ Briana Springera i ‘Outfoxed’ Robert Greenwalda.
Zadnjeg dana uvečer radionice se završavaju nastupom križevčana VisitorQ, Robert Radamant i GentleJunk co.
TEST3 na Nepokorenom gradu
[photopress:test33.jpg,full,alignleft] U petak 17.11., 18.00 h, vojarna Frankopanska (Banjavčićeva bb), Karlovac.
Nakon nastupa s talijanskom math noise umjetničkom grupom ODRZ, Zid.Buke još jednom ruši principe konzumerizma, ovisnosti i političke sprege. U tutnjavi mašina i iskri, koristeći se elektičnim alatima (brusilice, bušilice, elektrićne škare) Zid.Buke će izrezati osobno vozilo na osnovne komade. Time će biti otvoren umjetnički dio festivala Nepokoreni grad kao dijela istoimenog projekta koji je udruga Domaći pokrenula još početkom godine. U performansu rastavljanja osobnog vozila prikljućiti će im se multimedijalni zagrebački umjetnik Dragan Pajić Pajo sa koreorgrafijom Darka Brkljačića.