Archive for the ‘constructing’ Category
Post-normal Art
Post-normal Art is a diary that draws its inspiration on the Ziauddin Sadar text “Welcome to Postnormal Times” from 2009. in the form of a blog with texts, parts of Sadar’s translated texts, photographs, sound and video shorts.
Diary is leading us deeper in understanding how to manage post normal times with art practice, what that practice should be, and how to realize it.
Complexity, Chaos and Contradiction
Complexity, Chaos and Contradiction is a set of screenshots taken from online map depicting parts of agricultural fields in the USA. Almost like abstract paintings, certain technical feel, with circular geometrical shapes mostly, in the effect of grids, remind of technical drawings, digital tools and visuals representing matrix, digital technical, non human and machine like. CCC creates a base for understanding of how agriculture is shaping the world, reorganizing it to its industrial needs.
Nature Like
Nature Like is an artist research of coexistence with his immediate environment using permacultural methods and photography that documents seasonal time-span.
NK uses artists labor to develop and organize “multi-cultural” garden (not “mono-cultural”) that will eventually become permanent and autonomous – people independent. Slide show documents artist arrangement of the garden, using its shape like a painter would use a canvas, and gardening materials as a paint. Elements of this composition include wind, sun, rain, microbes, fungi, plants, insects, soil, stone, compost, birds, larva, worms, frogs, snakes and other small animals, straw bales, water, wood, plastic canvas (tarp), plastic cups and water containers, water hoses, plastic compost containers, snow and temperature.
Mobile Sound Fertilizer installed at Stützpunkt Teufelsberg, Berlin
MSF at Stützpunkt Teufelsberg gallery, Berlin, is an installation that uses renewable energy, plant, light and sound to create elements that are presented in need of questioning relations of “us” and “nature”.
Installation produces light and sound frequencies that are beneficial to the plant. It is a mobile installation that is powered by sun light over photo-voltaic panel. Electricity is than stored in a battery that powers recycled mobile phone playing specific frequencies for the plant. Battery also powers a light that shines trough red and blue led diodes benefiting plant growth and fruit development.

MSF is art that is beneficial to the plant. It is not solely here to be an art piece for human observation. thus, it is asking a question of art production – who is it for and why, art institutions – who they present art and why, and reasons for art in Anthropocene.
guidelines for possible futures VI
16 channel sound fertilizer
“16 Channels Sound Fertilizer” sound installation uses renewable energy sources to run multiple speakers that are playing the sounds offered by various sound-for-plants researchers. Sounds include different frequency ranges, noise generators and musical interpretations as well as sound compositions offered by French mathematician and physicist Joel Sternheimer who developed a study on protein synthesis activation. Installation is questioning an alternative to “art-for-humans” position as well as alternative to industrial agriculture and its extensive usage of pesticide and chemical fertilizers that is contributing to climate change.
Environmentomania 2
“In some situations water is full of energy, sometimes it is sluggish and exhausted; in some conditions it dies. “To an untrained eye dead water still looks like water. So we expect it to do the same job as healthy energetic water.” Charlie Ryrie, author of The Healing Energies of Water.”
Guidelines for possible futures II
Reclaim and Defend the ‘Old Territories’
Reclaiming and defending the ‘old territories’ for any meaningful and inhabitable future.
MMkamp brought more than 30 people together to investigate, reclaim, create TAZ, participate, learn, acknowledge and appreciate trough workshop and presentation.
Have a look at photolog.
Hypertnesion art
HHO music
Reais Anonymous – Real Anonymous
Anonymous labour
chaos, cosmos and borders
PDES (Pure Data Exchange Summit) is yet another step into the research on collaborative environments, its stimulants, individuals and their mind-sets which forms a group work. PDES is an example of what are (generally) the themes created in collaborative process orientated work environments that are critical to art itself.
Read the full report here >>
CR 4.0 won Artemov 1st prize for locative media competition
As it is, as it goes, prizes are starting to come in for the work that insisted on taking representative form from participative processes developed beforehand. Its 4th reincarnation happened in slightly different context, most notably in its new terms of negotiating project in the newly formed team. Positions that prizes involve: question of value, ownership, possible marketing strategies, group dynamics according to personal needs and acceptance of needs of others have surfaced at metalevel. CultureRobot became something that could easily be put into broad cultural concept and disseminated in the form it is trough events and festivals. Read more on Belo Horizonte and Salvador festival here >>.
Semantics and Free Web Poetry
In the concept of Free Web Poetry ‘Free’ refers to freedom of expression (freedom for nonlinear expression and intuitive creation), ‘Web’ refers to online but also web-like structure, and ‘Poetry’ is from the Greek “ποίησις“, poiesis, a ‘making’ or ‘creating’.
FWP could be intriguing for writers and artists who like to make complex nonlinear structures. I use it for making interactive cut-up / haiku poems – poems change as reader clicks on the nodes.
How to use: download and install xebece (software developed by Roman Kennke). Write a short sentence or a word in each node, make connection to next node and keep on writing. Play with the structure and new meaning will arise.
Download short video (5 Mb) in ogg theora codec of FWP ‘Poštovani konj’ (‘Respected Horse’).
Theramin session, radio hacking session, joined work, theramin audio installations, live acts and performances and cellular automata music presentation (more than installation) could be seen at opening in Kunsarkaden gallery on Saturday 24th of November 2007.
“An annual mini a=v FESTIVAL features workshops, live sound-visual acts, improvisational concerts/performances, audience-interactive installations and other live and non-passive forms of audio-visual uncommercial communication. It aims to present and promote independent artistic developments and encourage experimental *do it yourself* activities.”
Many hands joining together to create chaos out of, sometimes too structured, north-west-European culture, de-constructing old radios and constructing improvisational sound sessions (concerts) for large number of culture consumers in rich spoiled west. Human Theramin antenna was controlled by visitors joining hands – the first art gallery opening where I have had the pleasure to see something similar.
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
Munich Radio Hacking Orchestra aka circuit bending workshop participant’s concert was recorded and relesed on GentleJunk Netlabel.
Circuit-bending / radio-hacking workshop participants and performers are: Daniel Door/de, Guenther Gessert/at, Heike Siegert/de, Jordi Sanchez Puig/es, Judith Egger/de, Jakob Doering/de, Kruno Jost/hr, Michael Kurz/de, Martin Krejci/de, Natalia Borissova/ru de, Anna Sobczak/pl de.
Workshop leaders: Sarah Washington/uk de, Knut Aufermann/ de.
Edite by Kruno Jošt, published on GentleJunk co. NetLabel November 2007.
Download A SKETCH for THE STUDY IN THE GENEALOGY OF SUBCULTURES relative to the STRUGGLE BETWEEN HUMANS AND MACHINES and please contact me for further references or questions
Together with other 999 people GentleJunk co. covers famous CinCin Man song.
Make your own music with cellular automata
No more boring! No more looking for who can you rob off at the top 10 hits shared on p2p! No more looking for how to copy a pirated disc of latest! latest! latest! No more MTV! No more music industry! Cellular automata music is here!
Make your own music with cellular automata script written in python. All things you need are zipped here >>. Complete video tutorial can be downloaded at
Search for more sound fonts on net, upload your work at and send us a note. You can freely work on our script and adjust it to your needs. Pls send us a note when you get interesting sounds.
Exchange of pirated CDs and DVDs
Croatian and Brasilian representatives that are developing the initiative for permanent exchange in free and open culture have met in Karlovac at the festival ‘Nepokoreni Grad’ on 24th of August 2007.
Representatives have exchanged presents of good will – pirated copies CDs and DVDs with local content. This exchange of pirated media is an attempt (from Greek peirān: to attempt) to establish permanent exchange in media, knowledge and creativity.
Party with international guests was held afterwards where death of Evil Tony was celebrated. You can read more about this event on MMKamp blog.
The letterists do not create scandals: they break the conspiracy of silence.
truths which no longer entertain become lies
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers
I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.
Putujući slobodni radio
Traveling free radio is a collaborative program between media activists, social scientiests, FOSS developers, musicians and sound artists, freedom fighters and people who have only one rule: never to speak about fight club.