Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘online’ tag

Post-normal Art

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Post-normal Art is a diary that draws its inspiration on the Ziauddin Sadar text “Welcome to Postnormal Times” from 2009. in the form of a blog with texts, parts of Sadar’s translated texts, photographs, sound and video shorts.

Diary is leading us deeper in understanding how to manage post normal times with art practice, what that practice should be, and how to realize it.


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November 1st, 2021 at 7:52 pm

Minor Disturbances Comet 21/Borisov 8th December 2019

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Photo of a found object, an oak tree leaf that has fallen on the snow. Radiated by the sun, leaf has accumulated enough energy to melt its own image in inverse, a sort of its own cast in the snow.

Photo is a part of  Minor Disturbances with participation of following artists: Rita Cachão, Henry Collins, Edith Doove, Bruno Duarte, Margarete Jahrmann, Kruno Jošt, Jason Karaindros, Robert Maddox-Harle, Ollivier Moreels & Jean-Louis Vincendeau, Sana Murrani,Guiherme Pontes, Michael Punt,Aparna Sharma and Paul Towey.

Inspired by Charles Ives vision of spatially distributed creativity in his unfinished Universe Symphony, The Faculty of Minor Disturbances (FMD) sent out an invitation to create a minor disturbance as we corralled the forces of the universe together with 2I/Borisov, an interstellar comet which visited the solar system.

Ives’s The Unanswered Question was said to be written under the influence of by the New England writers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.

See participating works here >>

Written by admin

February 17th, 2020 at 10:23 pm

De(con)struction in MAKE8ELEIVE issue #3

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De(con)struction found its way into issue number 3 of on-line magazine MAKE8ELIEVE: 3rd issues topic was OIL.

Jennifer Axner, Julie Badin, Hélène Baril, Kristen Baumlier, Mehdi Benkler, Edward Burtynsky, Arnaud Cohen, Valerie Constantino, Stephanie Craig, Olivier De Sagazan, Cédric De Smedt, Jason DeMarte, Adam Dumont, Edouard Duvernay, Jane Fulton Alt, Olivier Garraud, Mihai Grecu, Henry Hargreaves, David Herbold, Ryan Hopkinson & Christopher Raeburn, Rebecca Horne, Franck Hoursiangou, Kennedy James, Harris Johnson, Kruno Jost, Sofia Karlström, Amir Hossein Keihani, Florent Konné, Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Liberate Tate, Katie Loesel, Antonio Maia & Fernando Belfiore, Michael Massaia, Lauren McCleary, Elizabeth McCue, Michelle Marie Murphy, Sorin Oncu, Holly Parker, Vincent Petitpierre, Sarah Pickering, Wilson Roscoe, Evan Roth, Mary Rothlisberger, Fred Rougerune Loison, Diego Sanchez, Wolfgang Stiller, Arya Sukapura Putra, Marc Neys Swoon, Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, Carlos Vergara, Paul White, Christophe Wlaeminck, Marshall McLuhan, Slavoj Žižek, M.I.A., Roland Barthes, Yohji Yamamoto, Larry Hagman as J.R. Ewing.

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February 9th, 2013 at 10:06 am

RECording @

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No. of the piece 6517 is work under name ‘RECording’ applied to internet competition and online festival ‘RECording’ is a video where one can see tourists recording Dubrovnik.

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September 8th, 2008 at 12:48 pm

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GentleJunk is sharing a virtual stage with Julie Rousse on upcoming noplacard festival, Sunday 17th February, 2 o’clock in the morning.

is a mix in between the (((NOMUSIC))) festival and the placard headphone festival that lasts for 24 hours in Paris at la menagerie de verre during the Economie0 event.

(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space. Nowadays, these emerging new multimedia performances allow everybody to approach music in a more singular way, with a different listening practice and on a more sharing scene.

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February 10th, 2008 at 9:17 pm

Research in CAM

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Following audio file has been recorded on September 24th evening (2007) in GJ studio as a part of research in CELLULAR AUTOMATA MUSIC that was developed in GentleJunk co. labaratory.

Main occupations in this generated piece is correspondence of rhythmic instruments and time. It is work of 4 slightly different CA scripts that are directed in improvised way. A relationship is developed by connecting seemingly indefinite loops and revolving them back to their own start point.

Written by admin

September 25th, 2007 at 5:02 pm

Uploaded recording from NO MUSIC FESTIVAL X

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One hour piece (cut in 4 parts, each approximately 15 min or 15 mb) produced at ( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) ) F E S T I V A L X. can now be downloaded here. Music was performed by GentleJunk co. and Sonic Kitchen from Bremen, Germany at NO MUSIC FESTIVAL X. (2006)

Written by admin

January 9th, 2007 at 7:24 pm

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