Archive for the ‘brasil’ tag
CR 4.0 won Artemov 1st prize for locative media competition
As it is, as it goes, prizes are starting to come in for the work that insisted on taking representative form from participative processes developed beforehand. Its 4th reincarnation happened in slightly different context, most notably in its new terms of negotiating project in the newly formed team. Positions that prizes involve: question of value, ownership, possible marketing strategies, group dynamics according to personal needs and acceptance of needs of others have surfaced at metalevel. CultureRobot became something that could easily be put into broad cultural concept and disseminated in the form it is trough events and festivals. Read more on Belo Horizonte and Salvador festival here >>.
LNT has had 6 performances since November 2008 until end of February 2009. It is project that was born under exchange of open culture between Croatia and Brazil and established by Ricardo Palmieri, by making PD patch under name od ‘I Love Noise’. Since than history is in making. LNT performed in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Sao Paulo and Sao Caetano. Audio visual performance are bricolage of noise, circuit bending and prepared instruments sounds, improvisation, collaboration with local artists and spoken word on Tupi lenguages, a similarity of languages most of west coast South American natives are speaking.
For your viewing pleasure performance recorded at Sao Caetano in two parts.
Part one:
Part two
CultureRobot installation 1.0 and 2.0
CR installation 2.0 at SESC Sao Jose dos Campos in Brazil followed 1.0 that was installed at HAIP festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. CultureRobot is interactive installation that rises awareness about maps, open spaces and borders. It invites visitors/users/participators to rearrange, open or close borders and thus interact with the map inhabitants – CultureRobot (simple robots powered by batteries, moving randomly on the map) allowing them to consume more or less of different cultural aspects. CR is interactive installation made to raise awareness of social and political sphere that is affecting autonomous cultural sphere, synergies and correspondences in geo-techno-socio-political topology.
CR 1.0
CR 2.0
Check extensive blogging with video, photolog and process description on CR here>>
Deconstructing in heart of Rio
During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi, Frado on sound and Kruno Jošt. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.
To see event photolog go here >>
Dorkbot-RJ Zero from bruno tarin on Vimeo.