Archive for the ‘instalations’ tag
Mobile Sound Fertilizer installed at Stützpunkt Teufelsberg, Berlin
MSF at Stützpunkt Teufelsberg gallery, Berlin, is an installation that uses renewable energy, plant, light and sound to create elements that are presented in need of questioning relations of “us” and “nature”.
Installation produces light and sound frequencies that are beneficial to the plant. It is a mobile installation that is powered by sun light over photo-voltaic panel. Electricity is than stored in a battery that powers recycled mobile phone playing specific frequencies for the plant. Battery also powers a light that shines trough red and blue led diodes benefiting plant growth and fruit development.

MSF is art that is beneficial to the plant. It is not solely here to be an art piece for human observation. thus, it is asking a question of art production – who is it for and why, art institutions – who they present art and why, and reasons for art in Anthropocene.
Sound Fertilizer at Tiefgarage Galery, Cologne
Installation that utilizes sound, light and living plant, “Sound Fertilizer” is presented at Cologne gallery Tiefgarage situated in multicultural Ebertplatz, between 22. and 26. July 2018.
Zucchini plant is positioned at the middle of the gallery, a light bulb above and two mobile phones with sets of frequencies placed next to the plant. Zucchini has been planted in the straw bale at Center for Creative Solution in Croatia and after few months transported with car over the half-borders (borders running only on one side of the neighboring countries) to Cologne.
Light used has spectrum of 4000K that enables growth and flowering, while two recycled mobile phones (non functioning, used only as sound players) play sets of frequencies created especially for zucchini plant.
Sound Fertilizer encourages plant to grow in healthy and stable conditions, inside the gallery. Technology enabled art for the plant can also pos3e a question of its environment – anthropocentric culture that grows on both neo-liberal capitalism and/or social state of liberal humanism, while neither of options are furthering away from unbalanced relationship of people as subject and plants as object.
This installation makes plant a subject, as sound is artistically produced and intended for a plant.
“Ecocentric” exhibition with the students in RMZ EcoWorld, Bangalore
3 weeks of workshops with Srishti University for Art, Design and Technology students resulted with an exhibition opened on 14.12.17. in the complex of RMZ Ecoworld in Banglaore, India’s most rapidly growing city that has it’s devastating effect on the environment. As Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, its population is growing at amazing rate. RMZ IT Park, with office spaces, health activity facilities, shopping, dining, amphitheatre and art gallery, promotes itself as “work-leisure sustainable environment where natural and architectural forms are symbiotically integrated using responsible planning and precise engineering”.
Site specific installation “Ecocentric” juxtapositions its organic aesthetics to human engineered pavilion that proudly announces its ecological concept. A small forest was created, mulched with coconut leftovers from Bangalore street vendors. After that it was inhabited with multi-plant life that was “fed” by the custom frequencies from small speakers placed in the soil.
LCD screen was informing public on ecocentric activities dating all the way back to beginning of 20th century, proposing sound as a genuine organic fertilizer for the plants.
Sound Fertilizer
16 Channel sound Fertilizer presented at Büro für Bestimmte Dinge, Berlin, in April 2017, with opening talk by Kruno Jošt.
16 small speakers are connected to multichannel sound card run by the computer. Each channel plays a sound or song that was researched as the one beneficial to the plants – from classical to binaural, from high frequencies to traditional sitar sounds. This conglomerate of sounds was not intended only for human gallery visitors, but for the plants as well.
More photos can be find here >>
close encounters
Close Encouners is interactive sound sculpture produced in collaboration between Karl Heinz Jeron and Kruno Jošt for Potato Day of Lovinac municipality. Name of the sculpture comes from a cult movie, but now with a set of frequencies it is not aliens communicating to us, but potatoes.
guidelines for possible futures VI
guidelines for possible futures III
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki is a showcase of works answering the question How would you host an ancient alien? The artists in the exhibition responded to an international call for proposals inspired by Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles, a book detailing how the human species originated from extraterrestrial beings. These distant relatives are scheduled to return to the earth in December 2012.
Participating artists have proposed a variety of convivial acts to welcome Annunaki families from the planet Nibiru upon their return visit to earth after a 3,600-year orbit. The projects take a variety of forms, from an intergalactic calling card to a bed away from home, collegial gestures of kindness that reveal the customs that we embrace as human citizens of earth.
Welcome Back Ye Annunaki provides a constructive take on Sitchin’s mythology, one of the many associated with the year 2012. Exhibition is held in Open Space Artist Run Centre (Victoria, Canada), November 16, 2012 – December 21, 2012.
Among many, I am am the one, who has been contacted by Annunaki, many times, sometimes while asleep, sometimes awake. They inform me over and over again of their visit, and I know I have to await for them and clean my temple. I have to await and take care of the temple that will host them. And that temple is me.
Most of us are unaware that Annunaki is/are not of mater, but of spirit, and to host them you do not clean the interior of your house, but interior of your self. One cleans it with rigour, spiritual and mental, in taking out the trash, and taking in the health and beauty.
When Annunaki comes, we greet It to our temple, we let It to ourself, and we carry It where we go, we feed It what we eat, It sleeps when we sleep, It sees what we see. That is why if we host them we have to restrain from bad habits, we have to restrain from manipulative toughs, we have to restrain from hurting ourself and others. When we host It we do it with pleasure and It lives trough us.
CultureRobot installation 1.0 and 2.0
CR installation 2.0 at SESC Sao Jose dos Campos in Brazil followed 1.0 that was installed at HAIP festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. CultureRobot is interactive installation that rises awareness about maps, open spaces and borders. It invites visitors/users/participators to rearrange, open or close borders and thus interact with the map inhabitants – CultureRobot (simple robots powered by batteries, moving randomly on the map) allowing them to consume more or less of different cultural aspects. CR is interactive installation made to raise awareness of social and political sphere that is affecting autonomous cultural sphere, synergies and correspondences in geo-techno-socio-political topology.
CR 1.0
CR 2.0
Check extensive blogging with video, photolog and process description on CR here>>
Manifestacija Operacija grad:Jedinstvo otvara PRIVREMENI ILEGALNI CENTAR ZA KULTURU I MLADE u bivšoj tvornici Jedinstvo na Savskom nasipu u Zagrebu. Tokom manifestacioje održat će se Impronedjeljci (improvizirani experimentalni glazbeni sessioni) i video instalacija TVTurnoffWeek.
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