Archive for the ‘photos’ tag
Sound Fertilizer at Tiefgarage Galery, Cologne
Installation that utilizes sound, light and living plant, “Sound Fertilizer” is presented at Cologne gallery Tiefgarage situated in multicultural Ebertplatz, between 22. and 26. July 2018.
Zucchini plant is positioned at the middle of the gallery, a light bulb above and two mobile phones with sets of frequencies placed next to the plant. Zucchini has been planted in the straw bale at Center for Creative Solution in Croatia and after few months transported with car over the half-borders (borders running only on one side of the neighboring countries) to Cologne.
Light used has spectrum of 4000K that enables growth and flowering, while two recycled mobile phones (non functioning, used only as sound players) play sets of frequencies created especially for zucchini plant.
Sound Fertilizer encourages plant to grow in healthy and stable conditions, inside the gallery. Technology enabled art for the plant can also pos3e a question of its environment – anthropocentric culture that grows on both neo-liberal capitalism and/or social state of liberal humanism, while neither of options are furthering away from unbalanced relationship of people as subject and plants as object.
This installation makes plant a subject, as sound is artistically produced and intended for a plant.
16 channel sound fertilizer
“16 Channels Sound Fertilizer” sound installation uses renewable energy sources to run multiple speakers that are playing the sounds offered by various sound-for-plants researchers. Sounds include different frequency ranges, noise generators and musical interpretations as well as sound compositions offered by French mathematician and physicist Joel Sternheimer who developed a study on protein synthesis activation. Installation is questioning an alternative to “art-for-humans” position as well as alternative to industrial agriculture and its extensive usage of pesticide and chemical fertilizers that is contributing to climate change.
Reclaim and Defend the ‘Old Territories’
Reclaiming and defending the ‘old territories’ for any meaningful and inhabitable future.
MMkamp brought more than 30 people together to investigate, reclaim, create TAZ, participate, learn, acknowledge and appreciate trough workshop and presentation.
Have a look at photolog.
What do They Think of Artists Today?
Taken ba Mimi Milivoj Kuhar at Kiblix festival, Maribor
Futuresonic Fringe @ Arcspace, Hulme
Social Technologies Summit Futuresonic is international festival trying to answer questions of tomorrow: how will we interact with each other and nature around us in future. Futuresonic festivals fringe at Arcspace in St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center answered the question trough its grassroots movement created events that hosted, among many other events, CultureRobot installation.
Arcspace is situated in ex-church building that is turned into St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center since 1992 – a unique architecture where insides of the church are transformed into enterprise center for ethical businesses and NGOs. St. Wilfrid’s Enterprise Center is situated in Hulme, an area near to Manchester city center. Hulme was mapped not only as a territory but also as a specific part of the city with vibrant activist community and a history. ArcSpace was visited by people of different age and heterogeneous needs and activities, exchanging their beliefs, stories and producing new possibilities for exchange and collaboration in spirit of free culture.
Culture Robot installation was created by help of the community from the start to the end. Materials were collected or borrowed instead of purchased or rented, help with programing for interactive part of the installation was done by friends and volunteers, and installation debuted at Saturday on the open, community day, that hosted events inside and outside the Center.CR 3.0 installation created a new relationship between local community and this art piece. More than ever people were active in collecting material, discussing and managing to interconnect installation with other events during Futuresonic fringe.
CR 3.0 mapped more than just Hulme, it mapped its people, relationships, how they feel about city development, architecture, organizations working with art and culture in Manchester and how financing is a part of the culture and where does it lead culture to, it showed community strength and grassroots development. During the open days, all ethnic, age, academic and other walks of life were united and exchanged opinions, questions and ideas.
Guerrilla busking was happening in the city throughout the day, graffite artists were spraying on the vans and trailers (an identifiable vehicle in the Redbrick’s area of the Hulme – where travelers and free people of all sorts live). People from recycled biodiesel group, local bcycle repair man, drummers, community artists, foreign guests, local volunteers and experts were united to make a truly social event, creating bridges between cultures, people and technology in universal feeling of unity.
Read “Report From FutureSonic 2009” By Jonah Brucker on
Psychogeography in Linz
In order to create understanding and transformation of the world one must create adventures;
Terrain of the cityscape in relation to its emotive resistivity;
Ludic adventurism;
Off-limit areas;
We are bored in the city, we really have to strain to still discover mysteries;
Slide show of the photo research in empty building in Linz, Dauphinestr. 9 >>
Psychogeography, a subfield of geography, was defined in 1955 by Guy Debord as “the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals.”
Deconstructing in heart of Rio
During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi, Frado on sound and Kruno Jošt. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.
To see event photolog go here >>
Dorkbot-RJ Zero from bruno tarin on Vimeo.
GentleJunk sticking
Deconstructing a car in amphitheater lookalike back yard was a successful step towards a participative mode in performing with young people. DK:07:DU performance was joined by two young and enthusiastic car destructionists in Dubrovnik. ZB introduced a new element in a performance – fire. Cheesy idea, but it was not planed. It was as natural as this performance is.
Theramin session, radio hacking session, joined work, theramin audio installations, live acts and performances and cellular automata music presentation (more than installation) could be seen at opening in Kunsarkaden gallery on Saturday 24th of November 2007.
“An annual mini a=v FESTIVAL features workshops, live sound-visual acts, improvisational concerts/performances, audience-interactive installations and other live and non-passive forms of audio-visual uncommercial communication. It aims to present and promote independent artistic developments and encourage experimental *do it yourself* activities.”
Many hands joining together to create chaos out of, sometimes too structured, north-west-European culture, de-constructing old radios and constructing improvisational sound sessions (concerts) for large number of culture consumers in rich spoiled west. Human Theramin antenna was controlled by visitors joining hands – the first art gallery opening where I have had the pleasure to see something similar.
New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel
Munich Radio Hacking Orchestra aka circuit bending workshop participant’s concert was recorded and relesed on GentleJunk Netlabel.
Circuit-bending / radio-hacking workshop participants and performers are: Daniel Door/de, Guenther Gessert/at, Heike Siegert/de, Jordi Sanchez Puig/es, Judith Egger/de, Jakob Doering/de, Kruno Jost/hr, Michael Kurz/de, Martin Krejci/de, Natalia Borissova/ru de, Anna Sobczak/pl de.
Workshop leaders: Sarah Washington/uk de, Knut Aufermann/ de.
Edite by Kruno Jošt, published on GentleJunk co. NetLabel November 2007.
Presentation of Cellular automata as a tool for organic / automatic / generative / evolutive computer music in Kunstraum Walcheturm during DORKBOT SWISS has been a complete success. Much has been discussed, many question raised and overall atmosphere full of organic and organizational interferences.
Presentation ‘Digitalorganica’ was held on Friday 28/09/2007 at 21 h and will most definitely stay in history as first topless DORKBOTSWIS. Anna’s project ‘Suck my tits’ went with much admiration and references.
Karel Kulhavy had presented VGA lamp, twibright optar, excite, projects that will stay in our memory as a pillar stones for bright new ideas and reciprocal effectiveness in modern data storage, energy efficiency and recycling.
More photos on flicker >>
Exchange of pirated CDs and DVDs
Croatian and Brasilian representatives that are developing the initiative for permanent exchange in free and open culture have met in Karlovac at the festival ‘Nepokoreni Grad’ on 24th of August 2007.
Representatives have exchanged presents of good will – pirated copies CDs and DVDs with local content. This exchange of pirated media is an attempt (from Greek peirān: to attempt) to establish permanent exchange in media, knowledge and creativity.
Party with international guests was held afterwards where death of Evil Tony was celebrated. You can read more about this event on MMKamp blog.
Dekonstrukcija Konstrukcije @ Pula
During MediaMediteranea’07 festival in Pula performance ‘Deconstruction of Construction’ was held in front of cultural center Karlo Rojc on Thursday 06/07/07. Peugot was cut in the half with help of the one person that came to participate in performance on our second call to general public. We also thank organizer Marino, his soldier Zeko (breaking the windshield in the movie), Pino (for hammering) and unknown bystander who joined us.
Deconstruction of Construction is performance with social awareness, created by Denis Miksic and Kruno Jost who are always on lookout for a new cars to cut. And to cut it with participation of as many people as possible.
Other car-cuting videos watch here >>
Putujući slobodni radio
Traveling free radio is a collaborative program between media activists, social scientiests, FOSS developers, musicians and sound artists, freedom fighters and people who have only one rule: never to speak about fight club.
Constructing: ‘UMJETNOST JE…’
Video installation ‘UMJETNOST JE…’ (ART IS…) can be seen on front windows of ex cinema ‘Kalnik’ in Križevci during night hours from 8th to 10th of June. Cinema ‘Kalnik’ is deserted and is not working for past 6 years.
Program ‘Unconquered City’ run by ‘Domaći’ has been researching unused or forgotten places (shops, factories, army barracks, etc.) in Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Pula and Križevci. This is second part of the project where, when spaces are located a temporary occupation and art exhibition is held inside or outside the building.
In Križevci ‘Domaći’ joined with ‘POUKŽ’ in financing the project. Part of the project is carried through network ‘Clubture’.
Beside ‘Art is…’ video installation by GentleJunk co. an theter will be run inside and throughout whole cinema by ‘Bacaći sjenki’ called ‘Exposition’.
Deconstruction of the T-com imperial structure took place as an off-program of the Centrifugal. The pole that is missing from T-com building fence will be the one that will carry German flag in the Croatian pavilion at next Venice Biennale. Art in process – art of progress.
Student Center in Zagreb is opening an intenret radio soon. Radio will work as a platform for all the people who want to participate in creative process of making the free radio program.
From 25th of May to 01th of June workshops for interested technicians, editors and researchers are held in SC gallery.
Chek for the experimental streams every evening from 20 h. Program and workshops are helped by friendly network ‘Free Radio: Station M.I.R.’
All are invited to send their audio works on CDs on this adress:
n/r Silvija Stipanov
Savska 25
10 000 Zagreb
All types of audio works are invited, but preferred are radio shows in length of 30 minutes, jingles and sketches. See more at