Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘video’ tag

Natural Intelligence

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“Natural Intelligence” pays tribute to Ivan Ladislav Galeta, renewed Croatian video and conceptual artist. Performance shows a very simple act of mowing with hand scythe, in the spiral form from the centre towards the outer edge and after finishing mowing returning to the centre of the spiral from where mowing started. This act evokes tradition, work, agriculture, the relationship between man and nature in past times, though the very name of the performance has additional suggestions. “Natural intelligence” is the antithesis of today’s much hyped “artificial intelligence”. By a simple action, which I learned from my grandfather who was a farmer I want to say that nature has an intelligence that should be given attention and respect.

Symbol of spiral has a reference in many artists who use it in their work, perhaps most prominent being “Spiral Jetty” by Robert Smithson. I also want to remember anecdote from Galeta’s life where he mows in the shape of a spiral on his property in  a small Croatian village (as opposed to the usual way of mowing in the shape of a rectangle) and thus attracts the curiosity of passers-by who approach him with the desire to correct his work, to which Galeta answers: “If I didn’t mow like this, they would never approach me and never talk about why I mow like this”.

Spiral is a direct trace that man leaves in his relationship with nature and symbolizes life and growth, evolution and expansion. A large number of plants and animals develop in a series of patterns that are directly related to the spiral. From the shape of DNA known as the “double helix” to seashells, cones and fingerprints, the growth of hair on the head (during the performance I stops and pas due respect to the spiral on my head).

It symbolizes development, expansion, rotation and progress – the cyclical nature of evolution where rhythms repeat. It evokes the archetypal path of growth and transformation, both physically and spiritually. The spiral is the bridge between the harmony in the cosmos and the harmony within us — the infinite resonance or life energy. Connection and union with divine and cosmic energies. Revolutions of time, stars, planets and ways of natural progress.

The performance “Natural Intelligence” was designed and performed by Kruno Jošt, produced by UKE in 2023.

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November 2nd, 2023 at 10:25 am

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Environmentomania 2

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“In some situations water is full of energy, sometimes it is sluggish and exhausted; in some conditions it dies. “To an untrained eye dead water still looks like water. So we expect it to do the same job as healthy energetic water.” Charlie Ryrie, author of The Healing Energies of Water.”

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November 17th, 2014 at 9:33 pm

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Environmentomania 1

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“Harvard researchers investigated 6,214 cases of major depression for factors that would predict transition to bipolar disorder. Clinical characteristics such as age of onset or atypical symptoms did not predict manic episodes. Risk factors included younger age, black race/ethnicity, and a less than high school education. A history of social phobia, anxiety disorder, child abuse, and recent problems with social support were also associated with increased risk. Results will appear in an upcoming Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.”

Environmental Factors Drive Mania

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November 1st, 2014 at 11:41 am

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New Emphasis release under name Gliding Over All has a video for first song on the album named Alda.

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February 15th, 2013 at 11:07 am

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Welcome Back Ye Annunaki

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Welcome Back Ye Annunaki is a showcase of works answering the question How would you host an ancient alien? The artists in the exhibition responded to an international call for proposals inspired by Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles, a book detailing how the human species originated from extraterrestrial beings. These distant relatives are scheduled to return to the earth in December 2012.

Participating artists have proposed a variety of convivial acts to welcome Annunaki families from the planet Nibiru upon their return visit to earth after a 3,600-year orbit. The projects take a variety of forms, from an intergalactic calling card to a bed away from home, collegial gestures of kindness that reveal the customs that we embrace as human citizens of earth.

Welcome Back Ye Annunaki provides a constructive take on Sitchin’s mythology, one of the many associated with the year 2012. Exhibition is held in Open Space Artist Run Centre (Victoria, Canada), November 16, 2012 – December 21, 2012.

Among many, I am am the one, who has been contacted by Annunaki, many times, sometimes while asleep, sometimes awake. They inform me over and over again of their visit, and I know I have to await for them and clean my temple. I have to await and take care of the temple that will host them. And that temple is me.

Most of us are unaware that Annunaki is/are not of mater, but of spirit, and to host them you do not clean the interior of your house, but interior of your self. One cleans it with rigour, spiritual and mental, in taking out the trash, and taking in the health and beauty.

When Annunaki comes, we greet It to our temple, we let It to ourself, and we carry It where we go, we feed It what we eat, It sleeps when we sleep, It sees what we see. That is why if we host them we have to restrain from bad habits, we have to restrain from manipulative toughs, we have to restrain from hurting ourself and others. When we host It we do it with pleasure and It lives trough us.

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January 1st, 2013 at 10:40 pm

De(con)structing Conformity

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De(con)structing Conformity – video documentation from GentleJunk on Vimeo.

De(con)structing Conformity is performance done during the opening of the exhibition REFLECTION – Ecology of Cultural Landscape on 22nd November 2012. in gallery Scheier, Čakovec, Croatia.
In De(con)structing Conformity Kruno Jošt together with collaborators Maja Kohek and Simon Podlauf destroys an armchair as a symbol of conformity in contemporary society. The armchair represents a passive attitude in an even more passive society where one doesn’t want to lose their armchair while making political moves. It gives us false security and is as such a symbol of power. The de(con)struction of the symbol enables reflection on our own conformity. The question now is how we confront conformity in contemporary society?

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November 30th, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Autonomous Interactive Radio intervention @ Interactivos Ljubljana 2012

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September 17th, 2012 at 12:32 pm

HHO music

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July 15th, 2012 at 11:40 am

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3 steps of teritory

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May 10th, 2012 at 6:14 am

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chaos, cosmos and borders

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March 17th, 2012 at 9:10 pm

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Where Art Thou Art Goes

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Video-sketch: reflection on exhibition and work of Ladislav Galeta presented in Musem of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2011.

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December 1st, 2011 at 1:41 pm

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I Love Noise 1

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ILN 1 is recorded A/V performace lasting 25 minutes using moving images filmed on the travel to Dubrovnik, most South  (once free) city in Croatia.  Short clips are turned into loops and eventually became an abstraction that are powering the sound behind it. Using Pure Data and sometimess WIImote controler an intensive performance that goes into sphere of self investigation and spiritual.

Download video  here >>

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July 1st, 2009 at 1:25 pm

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LNT has had 6 performances since November 2008 until end of February 2009. It is project that was born under exchange of open culture between Croatia and Brazil and established by Ricardo Palmieri, by making PD patch under name od ‘I Love Noise’. Since than history is in making. LNT performed in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Sao Paulo and Sao Caetano. Audio visual performance are bricolage of noise, circuit bending and prepared instruments sounds, improvisation, collaboration with local artists and spoken word on Tupi lenguages, a similarity of languages most of west coast South American natives are speaking.

For your viewing pleasure performance recorded at Sao Caetano in two parts.

Part one:

Part two

Written by admin

February 18th, 2009 at 1:18 pm

Deconstructing MAX ART exhibit

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Deconstucting art work from yet unknown Croatian artist that was exhibiting at MAX ART festival happening in Zagreb in October 2008. Exhibit is glass layout of the Croatian parliament in which mice live.

What is visible is that there is a hand from the visitor trying to save the mice from the cage/parliament and let them free.

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October 14th, 2008 at 12:24 pm

RECording @

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No. of the piece 6517 is work under name ‘RECording’ applied to internet competition and online festival ‘RECording’ is a video where one can see tourists recording Dubrovnik.

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September 8th, 2008 at 12:48 pm

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If This is the Electronic Frontier, Who Are the Indians? (Richard Barbrook)
Ricardo Palmieri editing of material filmed during residency at Krizevci. Arduino with light sensors, PD and Ubuntu Studio.

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August 8th, 2008 at 7:44 pm

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GentleJunk and Vj. Palm @ MMKamp ’08

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MMKamp ’08 (at Art Workshop Lazareti in Dubrovnik) joined artists and scientists in experimental and virtual sound production.
GentleJunk and Vj Palm had a session together on Saturday 05th using underwater images and sounds collected from beach together with sound processed using recycled technologies and open source software.

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July 7th, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Deconstructing in heart of Rio

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During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
cutting it down

Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi, Frado on sound and Kruno Jošt. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.
dja kicking it in

To see event photolog go here >>

Dorkbot-RJ Zero from bruno tarin on Vimeo.

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June 3rd, 2008 at 2:35 am

Semantics and Free Web Poetry

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Free Web Poetry screenshot of song under name 'Postovani konj'

In the concept of Free Web Poetry ‘Free’ refers to freedom of expression (freedom for nonlinear expression and intuitive creation), ‘Web’ refers to online but also web-like structure, and ‘Poetry’ is from the Greek “ποίησις“, poiesis, a ‘making’ or ‘creating’.

you findyourfoodinyou

FWP could be intriguing for writers and artists who like to make complex nonlinear structures. I use it for making interactive  cut-up / haiku poems  – poems change as reader clicks on the nodes.


How to use: download and install xebece (software developed by Roman Kennke). Write a short sentence or a word in each node, make connection to next node and keep on writing. Play with the structure and new meaning will arise.

Download short video (5 Mb) in ogg theora codec of FWP ‘Poštovani konj’ (‘Respected Horse’).

Written by admin

January 18th, 2008 at 8:36 pm

DK:07:DU video

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December 7th, 2007 at 4:15 pm

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Make your own music with cellular automata

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cellular automata visualy

No more boring! No more looking for who can you rob off at the top 10 hits shared on p2p! No more looking for how to copy a pirated disc of latest! latest! latest! No more MTV! No more music industry! Cellular automata music is here!
Make your own music with cellular automata script written in python. All things you need are zipped here >>. Complete video tutorial can be downloaded at

Search for more sound fonts on net, upload your work at and send us a note. You can freely work on our script and adjust it to your needs. Pls send us a note when you get interesting sounds.

Written by admin

September 20th, 2007 at 3:32 pm

Dekonstrukcija Konstrukcije @ Pula

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During MediaMediteranea’07 festival in Pula performance ‘Deconstruction of Construction’ was held in front of cultural center Karlo Rojc on Thursday 06/07/07. Peugot was cut in the half with help of the one person that came to participate in performance on our second call to general public. We also thank organizer Marino, his soldier Zeko (breaking the windshield in the movie), Pino (for hammering) and unknown bystander who joined us.
Deconstruction of Construction is performance with social awareness, created by Denis Miksic and Kruno Jost who are always on lookout for a new cars to cut. And to cut it with participation of as many people as possible.

Other car-cuting videos watch here >>

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July 8th, 2007 at 4:57 pm

Constructing: ‘UMJETNOST JE…’

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Video installation ‘UMJETNOST JE…’ (ART IS…) can be seen on front windows of ex cinema ‘Kalnik’ in Križevci during night hours from 8th to 10th of June. Cinema ‘Kalnik’ is deserted and is not working for past 6 years.
Program ‘Unconquered City’ run by ‘Domaći’ has been researching unused or forgotten places (shops, factories, army barracks, etc.) in Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Pula and Križevci. This is second part of the project where, when spaces are located a temporary occupation and art exhibition is held inside or outside the building.
In Križevci ‘Domaći’ joined with ‘POUKŽ’ in financing the project. Part of the project is carried through network ‘Clubture’.
Beside ‘Art is…’ video installation by GentleJunk co. an theter will be run inside and throughout whole cinema by ‘Bacaći sjenki’ called ‘Exposition’.

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June 6th, 2007 at 8:10 pm

TEST3 na Nepokorenom gradu

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February 7th, 2007 at 11:09 am