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16 channels / 16 kanala


Idejni voditelj projekta

Kruno Jošt

Magisterij novih medijskih umjetnosti, Transart, Berlin. Korištenjem transdisicplinarnih strategija bavi se poljima okoliša, umjetnosti i tehnologije. Djeluje kroz suradnički rad u raznim medijima kako bi stvorio socijalnu skulpturu te djelovao u zajednici kroz aktivno uključivanje i kritiku postojećeg.


Tin Dožić

Student diplomskog studija psihologije na Hrvatskim studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te MA novih medija na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Primarni interesi su mu na hakiranju medija, eksperimentalnoj i improvizacijskoj glazbi, performansu te novomedijskoj umjetnosti općenito.

Tehnički direktor

Hrvoje Spudić

Student diplomskog studija arhitekture u Zagrebu. Kroz vizualne i audio eksperimente s DIY pristupom istražuje fotografiju, tisak i elektroničku glazbu.

Opis projekta

2014. godina

Sažeti opis I. faze izvršenja programa / projekta

I. faza izvršenja projekta obuhvaća istraživanje vezano uz energetsko održivost odnosno alternativne izvore energije (sunčane ćelije i sl.) koji su potrebni za produciranje struje te napajanje višekanalnih audio sistema sa jednim ili više izvora zvuka. Također je istraživanje u prvoj godini projekta vezano uz zahtjeve audio sistema koji će biti instaliran u geodezijskoj kupoli – višekanalni audio sistemi sa više izvora zvuka. Nakon istraživanja krene se u nabavu opreme i materijala koji su se kroz istraživanje pokazali potrebnim i primjernim. Sljedeći korak je skupljanje analognih audio instrumenata te prerada odnosno reciklaža skupljenih aparata (kroz radionice) koje se upotrebljavaju za produkciju višekanalne audio skulpture sa više izvora zvuka. Tehnička izvedba obuhvaća gradnju kupole i instalaciju audio opreme u kupolu. Prezentacija audio skulpture izvede se na javnom prostoru u Čakovcu za vrijeme Clubture foruma. Nakon prezentacije slijedi evaluacija prve godine te izvještavanje prema donatorima. U godini 2014. planiramo se također prijaviti na program EU Cultura 2007. – 2013. u kategoriji ' Kratkotrajne suradnje'.

2015. godina Sažeti opis II. faze izvršenja programa / projekta

II. faza izvršenja projekta obuhvaća nastavak na prvu fazu tako da se na višekanalnu skulpturu s više izvora zvuka nadoda sistem za višekanalnu skulpturu s jednim izvorom te radi na mogućnosti kontroliranja pomoću slobodnog softwera zvučne skulpture u 360 stupnjeva. Faza kreće s objavom poziva za rezidencijalni program gdje je umjetnici koji istražuju višekanalni zvuk šalju svoje prijedloge za opremanje i tehničku izvedbu. Istraživanje je vezano uz zahtjeve audio sistema koji će biti instaliran u geodezijskoj kupoli – višekanalni audio sistemi sa jednim izvorom zvuka. Nakon istraživanja ide nabava audio opreme i ostalih materijala koji su se kroz istraživanje pokazali potrebnim i primjernim. Tehnička izvedba obuhvaća gradnju kupole i instalaciju audio opreme u kupolu. Produkcija umjetničkog rada se realizira kroz rezidencijalni program (20 dana, tri umjetnika, jedan audio umjetnički rad) koja se završi s prezentacijom rada na javnom prostoru u Varaždinu za vrijeme Špancir festa. Nakon zaključene rezidencije i prezentacije objavi se javni poziv za rezidencijalni program za 2016. godinu gdje tražimo audio umjetnike koji rade sa višekanalnim zvukom. Na kraju slijedi evaluacija druge godine projekta i izvještavanje prema donatorima.

2016. godina Sažeti opis III. faze izvršenja programa / projekta

III. faza izvršenja projekta nadovezuje se na prijašnje dvije tako da se tehnička produkcija ponudi umjetnicima iz EU koji se bave višekanalnim zvukom u svrhu nastupa u živo, audio skulpture ili instalacije. Postojeća infrastruktura i oprema nudi se kao polaznica za osmišljanje audio kompozicije. Publika ulazi u skulpturu i kreće se njezinim prostorom dok je zvuk svuda oko nje.

Na početku godine faza obuhvaća odabir i objavu rezultata javnog poziva za rezidencijalni program. Tehnička izvedba obuhvaća gradnju kupole i instalaciju audio opreme u kupolu. Produkcija umjetničkog rada se realizira kroz rezidencijalni program (10 dni, troje umjetnika, jedna suradnička audio izložba). Izlaganje je predviđeno u 5 gradova EU: Zagreb u suradnji sa MSU, Helsinki (Pixelache Festival) u suradnji sa Piknik Frequency ry, Linz (Ars Electronica Festival), Ljubljana u suradnji sa Galerijom Kapelica, Maribor u suradnji sa multimedijalnim centrom Kibla. Nakon završne evaluacije treće godine i cjelokupnog projekta izdaje se publikacija o transdisciplinarnim strategijama kroz korištenje audio umjetnosti. Na kraju projekta slijedi izvještavanje prema donatorima.




2 x 50 W paneli 1 x 100 Ah baterije




Zvučne kartice

Drugi hardware


Zvučnici x mini v.1 u nizu

- 16 zvučnika spojeno u niz s izvorom zvuka iz mobitela:
- daju dojam da su pretihi
- kada je zvuk mobitela pojačan na najjače i kad je volumen na x-miniju pojačan zvučnici distrziraju zvuk
- imaju malu rupicu koja se može koristiti da se kroz nju sprovede konac/uže i da se tako objese na konstrukciju - treba vidjeti drugi način spajanja na konstrukciju

- zvučnici se mogu "zatvoriti" u malu kuglicu, ili ostaviti otvoreni

- svaki zvučnik ima svoj prekidač za paljenje i za volumen, što znači da 16 puta treba gasiti i paliti kod rada što je vrlo nepraktično

- zvučnici imaju malu plastičnu kapicu, vjerojatno zbog zaštite membrane zvučnika, koja kada je zaklopljena stvara dublji i mutniji zvuk.




Spojeno na 220

Spojeno na 12 v solarne panele


16 is the base of the hexadecimal number system, which is used extensively in computer science

Sixteen is the fourth power of two. For this reason, 16 was used in weighing light objects in several cultures. The British have 16 ounces in one pound; the Chinese used to have 16 liangs in one jin. In old days, weighing was done with a beam balance to make equal splits. It would be easier to split a heap of grains into sixteen equal parts through successive divisions than to split into ten parts. Chinese Taoists did finger computation on the trigrams and hexagrams by counting the finger tips and joints of the fingers with the tip of the thumb. Each hand can count up to 16 in such manner.

There are 16 pawns in a chess set and each player in a chess game starts with sixteen pieces

There are 16 different personality types in the Myers-Briggs classification system.

In the 16-bit era, 16-bit microprocessor ran 16-bit applications.

The amount of waking hours in a day in an “8 hours of sleep” schedule

Animated sequence of a race horse galloping. Photos taken by Eadweard Muybridge (died 1904), first published in 1887 at Philadelphia (Animal Locomotion). It si made out of 16 stills.

In mathematics and computing, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0–9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a, b, c, d, e, f) to represent values ten to fifteen. Hexadecimal numerals are widely used by computer system designers and programmers.

16 Simple Ways To Feel Connected To The World Around You

The number 16 is a karmic number, and people under its influence need to keep their feet on the path of higher learning. They must cultivate their personal willpower, independence and initiative action to enable them to overcome obstacles that come into their life experiences.

The numerology number 16 is a number of introspection. It's wise, intuitive, and tends to be independent.

The number 16 is both spiritual and analytical, a philosopher with sound arguments. It tends to look for and find answers within from a well of contemporary and ancient wisdom. It can be somewhat of a perfectionist, especially in its demands of itself.

Googl'es carboard jump has 16 cameras.

16 Simple Ways To Feel Connected To The World Around You

Channel 16 VHF (156.8 MHz) is a marine VHF radio frequency used for shipping and maritime purposes, to call up ships and shore stations, and as an international distress frequency. Channel 16 is used for broadcasting distress calls such as mayday, pan-pan, securité or other urgent safety messages.

Sum of the four first odd numbers (1+3+5+7=16) which, by theosophical addition, gives 1+6=7, the sacred number.

The sixteen petals of the Visuddha Chakra located on the front of the throat.








Galerija Miroslav Kraljević


Rezidencijalni boravak Split


16 channel Sound Fertilizer

Center for Creative Solutions, Lovinac

Prijedlozi radova:

Radni naziv: Manipulacija

Audio radovi s više kanala koji se odnose na temu manipulacije.


a) 16 kanala s glasom koji doziva publiku (daj dođi, ovdje sam itd.)

b) glas hustler-a

c) ispovijesti izmanipuliranih ljudi

d) politička manipulacija

e) manipulacija medija

f) manipulacija religije/crkve


Riječ manipulacija ima dva glavna značenja:

rukovanje ili baratanje predmetima ili robom (od lat. riječi manus - ruka) postupak podčinjavanja pojedinca, društvenih skupina, javnosti, komunikacijske procedure, komunikacijskih kanala, medija i subjekata određenoj vrsti interesa. To je model ponašanja obilježen pokušajima da se iskoriste međuljudski kontakti radi zaustavljanja ili skrivanja relevantnih informacija. Manipulacija je također smišljeno baratanje krivim podacima, izvrnutim činjenicama, lažnim interpretacijama te vješto podmetanje kako bi se stvaranjem lažnog dojma ostvarila kontrola nad recipijentom.

According to Simon

Simon identified the following manipulative techniques:[2]

Lying: It is hard to tell if somebody is lying at the time they do it, although often the truth may be apparent later when it is too late. One way to minimize the chances of being lied to is to understand that some personality types (particularly psychopaths) are experts at the art of lying and cheating, doing it frequently, and often in subtle ways. Lying by omission: This is a very subtle form of lying by withholding a significant amount of the truth. This technique is also used in propaganda.

Denial: Manipulator refuses to admit that he or she has done something wrong.

Rationalization: An excuse made by the manipulator for inappropriate behavior. Rationalization is closely related to spin.

Minimization: This is a type of denial coupled with rationalization. The manipulator asserts that his or her behavior is not as harmful or irresponsible as someone else was suggesting, for example, saying that a taunt or insult was only a joke.

Selective inattention or selective attention: Manipulator refuses to pay attention to anything that may distract from his or her agenda, saying things like “I don't want to hear it”.

Diversion: Manipulator not giving a straight answer to a straight question and instead being diversionary, steering the conversation onto another topic.

Evasion: Similar to diversion but giving irrelevant, rambling, vague responses, weasel words.

Covert intimidation: Manipulator throwing the victim onto the defensive by using veiled (subtle, indirect or implied) threats.

Guilt trip: A special kind of intimidation tactic. A manipulator suggests to the conscientious victim that he or she does not care enough, is too selfish or has it easy. This usually results in the victim feeling bad, keeping them in a self-doubting, anxious and submissive position.

Shaming: Manipulator uses sarcasm and put-downs to increase fear and self-doubt in the victim. Manipulators use this tactic to make others feel unworthy and therefore defer to them. Shaming tactics can be very subtle such as a fierce look or glance, unpleasant tone of voice, rhetorical comments, subtle sarcasm. Manipulators can make one feel ashamed for even daring to challenge them. It is an effective way to foster a sense of inadequacy in the victim.

Playing the victim role: Manipulator portrays him- or herself as a victim of circumstance or of someone else's behavior in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering and the manipulator often finds it easy to play on sympathy to get cooperation.

Vilifying the victim: More than any other, this tactic is a powerful means of putting the victim on the defensive while simultaneously masking the aggressive intent of the manipulator, while the manipulator falsely accuses the victim as being an abuser in response when the victim stands up for or defends themselves or their position.

Playing the servant role: Cloaking a self-serving agenda in guise of a service to a more noble cause, for example saying he is acting in a certain way to be “obedient” to or in “service” to an authority figure or “just doing their job”.

Seduction: Manipulator uses charm, praise, flattery or overtly supporting others in order to get them to lower their defenses and give their trust and loyalty to him or her. They will also offer help with the intent to gain trust and access to an unsuspecting victim they have charmed.

Projecting the blame (blaming others): Manipulator scapegoats in often subtle, hard-to-detect ways. Often, the manipulator will project his/her own psychotic thinking onto the victim, making the victim look like he/she has done something wrong. Manipulators will also claim that the victim is the one who is at fault for believing lies that they were conned into believing, as if the victim forced the manipulator to be deceitful. All blame, except for the part that is used by the manipulator to accept false guilt, is done in order to make the victim feel guilty about making healthy choices, correct thinking and good behaviors. It is frequently used as a means of psychological and emotional manipulation and control. Manipulators lie about lying, only to re-manipulate the original, less believable story into a “more acceptable” truth that the victim will believe. Projecting lies as being the truth is another common method of control and manipulation. Manipulators love to falsely accuse the victim as “deserving to be treated that way.” They often claim that the victim is crazy and/or abusive, especially when there is evidence against the manipulator. (See Feigning, below.)

Feigning innocence: Manipulator tries to suggest that any harm done was unintentional or that they did not do something that they were accused of. Manipulator may put on a look of surprise or indignation. This tactic makes the victim question his or her own judgment and possibly his own sanity.

Feigning confusion: Manipulator tries to play dumb by pretending he or she does not know what the victim is talking about or is confused about an important issue brought to his or her attention. The manipulator intentionally confuses the victim in order for the victim to doubt his/her own accuracy of perception, often pointing out key elements that the manipulator intentionally included in case there is room for doubt. Sometimes manipulators will have used cohorts in advance to help back up their story.

Brandishing anger: Manipulator uses anger to brandish sufficient emotional intensity and rage to shock the victim into submission. The manipulator is not actually angry, he or she just puts on an act. He just wants what he wants and gets “angry” when denied. Controlled anger is often used as a manipulation tactic to avoid confrontation, avoid telling the truth or to further hide intent. There are often threats used by the manipulator of going to police, or falsely reporting abuses that the manipulator intentionally contrived to scare or intimidate the victim into submission. Blackmail and other threats of exposure are other forms of controlled anger and manipulation, especially when the victim refuses initial requests or suggestions by the manipulator. Anger is also used as a defense so the manipulator can avoid telling truths at inconvenient times or circumstances. Anger is often used as a tool or defense to ward off inquiries or suspicion. The victim becomes more focused on the anger instead of the manipulation tactic.

Bandwagon Effect: Manipulator comforts the victim into submission by claiming (whether true or false) that many people already have done something, and the victim should as well. These include phrases such as “Many people like you…” or “Everyone does this anyways.”

Medijska manipulacija

je aspekt rada odnosa s javnošću u kojem određene osobe nastoje stvoriti sliku ili argumente koja pogoduju njihovim specifičnim interesima.

Metode medijske manipulacije uključuju uporabu zablude i propagande i često uključuju suzbijanje informacija ili suzbijanje isticanja stajališta.

Može uključiti metode manipuliranja ljudi da prestanu slušati određene argumentime, ili jednostavno preusmjeravanje pažnje negdje drugdje.


Distraction types

Distraction by nationalism

Main article: Transfer (propaganda)

This is a variant on the traditional ad hominem and bandwagon fallacies applied to entire countries. The method is to discredit opposing arguments by appealing to nationalistic pride or memory of past accomplishments, or appealing to fear or dislike of a specific country, or of foreigners in general. It can be very powerful as it discredits foreign journalists (the ones that are least easily manipulated by domestic political or corporate interests).[citation needed]

Example: Q:“What do you think of Khokarsan policy on X?” A:“I think they have been wrong on every major issue for the past 20 years.”

Example: “Your idea sounds similar to what they are proposing in Falala. Are you saying the Falalians have a better country than us?” Example: “The only criticisms of this proposed treaty come from Molvanîa. But we all know that Molvanîans are arrogant and uneducated, so their complaints are irrelevant.” Example: The slogan “support our troops” has been used to imply that opposing the war effort detracts support away from the individual soldiers fighting the war.

Crowd manipulation

is the intentional use of techniques based on the principles of crowd psychology to engage, control, or influence the desires of a crowd in order to direct its behavior toward a specific action.[1] This practice is common to politics and business and can facilitate the approval or disapproval or indifference to a person, policy, or product. The ethicality of crowd manipulation is commonly questioned.

Bit manipulation

is the act of algorithmically manipulating bits or other pieces of data shorter than a word. Computer programming tasks that require bit manipulation include low-level device control, error detection and correction algorithms, data compression, encryption algorithms, and optimization. For most other tasks, modern programming languages allow the programmer to work directly with abstractions instead of bits that represent those abstractions. Source code that does bit manipulation makes use of the bitwise operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and bit shifts.

16 Channel Sound Fertilizer



bio art / sound art /


“16 Channels Sound Fertilizer” sound installation uses renewable energy sources to run multiple speakers that play sounds offered by various researchers. Sounds include different frequency ranges, noise generators and musical interpretations as well as sound compositions offered by French mathematician and physicist Joel Sternheimer who developed a study on protein synthesis activation. Installation inquires in an alternative to industrial agriculture and its extensive usage of pesticide and chemical fertilizers that is contributing to climate change.

“To make sound for people is one thing, to get completely new audience is another. Songs for plants. Change art completely, in the face of anthropocene and make music for plants. See how to get out of today creazy art that uses technology, needs to make money or works as a paravan for political agendas. New art - art for nature - plants. Not people. ”

“Remember those song birds we used to hear in the fields? The sounds of animals in nature singing a symphony of soft and subtle sounds as all things flow together to create a living and vibrant concerto? Science is now showing that these sounds actually do influence the growth of plants. Researchers have demonstrated that plants respond to sounds in pro-found ways which not only influence their overall health but also increase the speed of growth and the size of the plant.”


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16c.txt · Last modified: 27/03/2019 10:34 by admin