"how to" in autonomous art (metadata)

What is that ART01 is researching

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This diagram is showing what research ART01 will focus on and what tools will be used: what is collaboration and how it works, what are systems of institution that we are working within, and what are systems of representation in process-orientated art (


System of ART01 at TI 2010 show

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Diagram of envisioned  dependencies that ART01 will be part of when produced at TI exhibition, July/August 2010.

Funding option

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As ART01 would be collaboration between members of EU and Balkan countries, it occurred to me that ECF funding would be in place for such a project. Researching their web pages I have found that, lucky, they are opening something called “Balkan Incentive Fund for Culture”. By reading summaries of artistic project that applied, went trough the process and won the funding I realized that ART01 will have to adjust to ECF guidelines.

NEGOTIATING ART01 EVENT: TI administration, mentors and fellow students

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Proposal for TI administration, mentors and fellow students:

Researching autonomy in art operating systems has brought me to the following conclusion: producing an actual event consisting of transdisciplinary activities (that are initiated by the participants and developed in a horizontal and self-organizing fashion) is the only way that I can present the complexity of the social and group topography of such an event. Documenting previous projects and exhibiting the documentation (in any media) allocates observers into the position of consumer, while I am interested in negotiating participatory positions. Creating an art-lab system is the only way in which I can accurately demonstrate the proposed participatory work flow and its consequent outcomes.

An alternative system to TI final exhibition is proposed where the existing system of presenting students’ work (i.e. work exhibited in an individual fashion) would be partially replaced by an art-lab system where group(s) of collaborators would create actions (workshops, real rime performances, art actions…) that would circulate from one participant to another in order to be changed, added on, or removed from. The method that would suit the envisioned art-lab is one offered by Donald Schön: one that incorporates “learning, reflection and change”. In relation to the art-lab this would mean: action, reflection in action and reflection on action. To keep the flow of ideas open and to create flow between participants, actions will be introduced through an improvisatory bricolage approach to creativity that happens in real time.

According to Castoriadis’ concept of self-instituted autonomy, this group should use critical self- and social- reflection, to consider its “motives, its reasons for acting, its deep-seated tendencies”, in order to facilitate a distributed creativity and non-authorship that emphasises not independence but interdependence. The focus on collaborations and non-authorship comes from the idea that one, solitary, individual creator tends towards a self-centred and egoistical pre-occupation that results in confrontation, rivalry and competition, which are in turn necessary qualities for the functioning of neo-liberal society.

Improvisation – practice of acting, singing, talking and reacting, of making and creating, in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one’s immediate environment and inner feelings.
Synchronism – Coincidence in time; simultaneity.

EEII’09 diagram

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EEII’09 diagram showing interdependencies between participants, organizations,funders, media coverage, themes and methods of the event.

Horizontal distribution at EEII’09 festival

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Experimental Electronic Intervention (EEII) is an event that has 6 years of existence worked on self-organized principles. It’s main organizational principles are:
1. there is no audience: event is organized so everyone could take part in creative process;
2. there is no one organizer, everyone helps in organization, organization and curatorial process is collaborative;
3. there is no final exhibition, but what matter is a process of creativity;
4. focus is on collaborative work and distancing the process from individual representations and authorship.

EEII’09 was focused on collaborative work where ideas of every participant would be connected into one “organism”. It was 12 hours event (during December 2009), where participants went trough proposing their individual projects, to connecting them into jointed event, to realizing real time performances that were similar to Fluxus events in their free flow.

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Above drawing is a sketch used to show loop of informations flow from one to other artist. There is a suit with light sensors that reflect on light conditions in the space, sending the sound over FM transmitter to radio receiver. This one is connected to computer and mixer where sound is additionally worked on. From here it is send to another computer with arduino board that controls lights in the room. Another computer with camera is filming actor with the suit and trough computer this image is mixed with other images and is beamed on the wall. Actor can move according to the light input, sound input or mixed image displayed behind him/her.

Autonomy in arts: a diagram

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