ART01 is a process-based, collaborative and transdsciplinary art practice that focuses on sharing.
ART01 settings:
1. Models of cooperation grounded in an ideas that are foundations of the autonomy: self organization and control over whole scope of production and consumption, creating alternatives to neoliberal, market orientated culture.
2. Beauty emerges not from the object produced in cooperation, but from cooperation and interaction itself.
3. Value is created by the process of exchange, not by the object produced with collaboration, as the case was with collaborative works in the art world up to now. Value is in participation and solidarity, not in competition.
4. Tools (media) for interaction can be various, but FOSS (free open source software) proved to work in accordance to ideas of sharing, as it is itself produced in the similar manner – with cooperation of many.
5. As the focus is how to sustain a fruitful process, not how to create an object, a question of finished work becomes obsolete, and is replaced with one that asks how to exchange ideas for the purpose of creating radically new models of coexistence.
6. A synaesthetic system is created by stimulating alternative modes of creativity that create alternative states of mind.
7. Process is based on “system thinking”, where an understanding is sought of how things influence one another within a system.
8. Art practice not as traditional sense of mastery of the material, or representation of objective, or expressing alienation, etc. but creating alternative models that have emancipatory value from pan capitalist structures.
9. Art practice that is not concerned with the question how art can change the world, but what does aggregate of cultural activities do over period of time.
10. Non professionalism in the sense of amateur research, self-examination and collective examination within the scope of the public – learning from others and teaching others trough debates about value.
11. Constant negotiation between different art operating systems: leaps from documentation to performance, to participative options, to new media cultures as subculture of zines, punk and electronic music, to educative and liberatory practices, real-time performances, interventions…
In ART01 a research is conducted on self-organization and autonomy in art operating systems trough participating on events that are documented, initiated and organized. Focus of self organizing event is for group of artists, activists, theoreticians and others to create a specific environment for experimentation and creativity, where participants bring ideas on equal level, interact and collaborate. ART01 follows processes undertaken from the beginning of negotiating such an event: with fellow collaborators, institutions, funders, broader body of participants, etc. This process is a flux of ideas and negotiations, constantly debated and discussed in order to create collaborative and collective experience.
What ART01 strives for is:
1. critical self- and social- reflexion;
2. interactivity;
3. interdependence;
4. distributed creativity;
5. non-authorship.
GentleJunk co. » Blog Archive » ART01 Project in its 11th Month
on Jul 20th, 2010
@ 23:13:
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