Kruno Jošt


Brasil & Hrvatska – free cultures @ iCommons

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Upcoming iCommons Summit in 2007 will happen in Dubrovnik, Croatia, between 15th and 17th of June. Primary conference venue will be tower Revelin and secondary conference and primary performance venue will be the ancient quarantine, Lazareti.

Incubated by Creative Commons, iCommons is an organisation with a broad vision to develop a united global commons front by collaborating with open content, access to knowledge, open access publishing and free culture communities around the world.

Using the annual iCommons Summit as the main driver of this vision, iCommons will feature projects that encourage collaboration across borders and communities, and promote the tools, models and practice that facilitate universal participation in the cultural and knowledge domains.

One of the suggested programms on iCommons Summit 2007 is workshop ‘Brasil and Hrvatska – free cultures’ presentations that will promote exchange between projects in the areas of free culture, social technology, low tech labs and tactical media projets from Brasil and Croatia.

Written by admin

December 21st, 2006 at 1:59 pm

Posted in info,international

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