Archive for the ‘free culture’ tag
Guidelines for possible futures II
Exhibition, conference, camp and much more at Pixelache
Pixelache Festival 2013 with its theme of Facing North Facing South profiles the work of the Bricolabs mailing list, an independent and dynamic network of people absorbed with sharing, DIY, open source software, hardware and environmental sustainability living in various localities across the world whose online and offline exchange of heterogeneous practices and ideas have driven the network since its formation in 2006.
Bricolabs’ Exhibition
Where: Suvilahti ‘Square’ (location to be confirmed), free entrance!
Opening: Thursday 16.5. at 19.00
Exhibition dates: 17.-26.5., from Wednesday to Sunday 13.00 – 18.00
Three shipping containers will host workshops and artworks made by various members of Bricolabs: A ‘brico-archive’ corner assembled by Gabriele Asbesto, including diverse documentation on processes, including “how-to’s”, video works, texts and brico-objects; A nearby graffiti wall will provide an evolving open canvas for demonstration and exchange of concepts, ideas and views; An interactive installation – Vjing Nature – created by Ivan Henriques & Kasia Molga and Erik Overmeire will invite us to address inter-connections between sensor technology, data vis and microbiology; In addition, the Sensorium project from Salvador de Bahia will be presented on video. Collaborative curation; visual design: Kruno Jost.
Temporary Autonomus Arts in Manchester

Wall graphite
Inspired by London collective ‘Random Artists’, over the past few years collective groups in Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh and Brighton have been coming together to create a cultural, interactive, autonomous space where people are free to be, free to create, and free to express themselves. Forbiden Arts Manchester in 2009 happened in occupied primary school building that was left empty waiting for decisions by city hall and omnipotent property developers will it be brought down or repaired. Idea was to enter existing space that is not used at the moment and put it into public use for local community. Doors were open to everyone who wanted to take part in collective art event.

Noisy Toys room - colective sound/noise experiance
Wall paintings, poetry readings, video nights, fashion show, sound workshops, cabaret, installations, raveoke night, all fitted in aesthetics of local event that is characterized on MFA web page as: “An event like this doesn’t just happen but is the result of many, many people’s hard work.”

TAA Manchester big hall event
MIMOSA at Linz
During Liwoli festival in Linz (April 2009), Austria, Ricardo Palmieri and Kruno Jošt created another MIMOSA. Read more on creating it here >> and more on the MIMOSA ACTION here >>. Thanx for all the help to all participants!
At Liwoli fest a performance of LiveNoiseTupi also took place with helping hand of Daniel Turing and other people from the audience. Documentary about the festival can be downloaded here >> and photolog here>>.
Most interesting are talks made during MIMOSA Action with the students >>, free media jurnalist>>, tourist>> and with artist>>.
Do not believe
Exchange of pirated CDs and DVDs
Croatian and Brasilian representatives that are developing the initiative for permanent exchange in free and open culture have met in Karlovac at the festival ‘Nepokoreni Grad’ on 24th of August 2007.
Representatives have exchanged presents of good will – pirated copies CDs and DVDs with local content. This exchange of pirated media is an attempt (from Greek peirān: to attempt) to establish permanent exchange in media, knowledge and creativity.
Party with international guests was held afterwards where death of Evil Tony was celebrated. You can read more about this event on MMKamp blog.