Archive for the ‘deconstructing’ tag
Sound Fertilizer at Tiefgarage Galery, Cologne
Installation that utilizes sound, light and living plant, “Sound Fertilizer” is presented at Cologne gallery Tiefgarage situated in multicultural Ebertplatz, between 22. and 26. July 2018.
Zucchini plant is positioned at the middle of the gallery, a light bulb above and two mobile phones with sets of frequencies placed next to the plant. Zucchini has been planted in the straw bale at Center for Creative Solution in Croatia and after few months transported with car over the half-borders (borders running only on one side of the neighboring countries) to Cologne.
Light used has spectrum of 4000K that enables growth and flowering, while two recycled mobile phones (non functioning, used only as sound players) play sets of frequencies created especially for zucchini plant.
Sound Fertilizer encourages plant to grow in healthy and stable conditions, inside the gallery. Technology enabled art for the plant can also pos3e a question of its environment – anthropocentric culture that grows on both neo-liberal capitalism and/or social state of liberal humanism, while neither of options are furthering away from unbalanced relationship of people as subject and plants as object.
This installation makes plant a subject, as sound is artistically produced and intended for a plant.
“Ecocentric” exhibition with the students in RMZ EcoWorld, Bangalore
3 weeks of workshops with Srishti University for Art, Design and Technology students resulted with an exhibition opened on 14.12.17. in the complex of RMZ Ecoworld in Banglaore, India’s most rapidly growing city that has it’s devastating effect on the environment. As Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, its population is growing at amazing rate. RMZ IT Park, with office spaces, health activity facilities, shopping, dining, amphitheatre and art gallery, promotes itself as “work-leisure sustainable environment where natural and architectural forms are symbiotically integrated using responsible planning and precise engineering”.
Site specific installation “Ecocentric” juxtapositions its organic aesthetics to human engineered pavilion that proudly announces its ecological concept. A small forest was created, mulched with coconut leftovers from Bangalore street vendors. After that it was inhabited with multi-plant life that was “fed” by the custom frequencies from small speakers placed in the soil.
LCD screen was informing public on ecocentric activities dating all the way back to beginning of 20th century, proposing sound as a genuine organic fertilizer for the plants.
De(con)structing Conformity
De(con)structing Conformity – video documentation from GentleJunk on Vimeo.
De(con)structing Conformity is performance done during the opening of the exhibition REFLECTION – Ecology of Cultural Landscape on 22nd November 2012. in gallery Scheier, Čakovec, Croatia.
In De(con)structing Conformity Kruno Jošt together with collaborators Maja Kohek and Simon Podlauf destroys an armchair as a symbol of conformity in contemporary society. The armchair represents a passive attitude in an even more passive society where one doesn’t want to lose their armchair while making political moves. It gives us false security and is as such a symbol of power. The de(con)struction of the symbol enables reflection on our own conformity. The question now is how we confront conformity in contemporary society?
Autonomous Interactive Radio intervention @ Interactivos Ljubljana 2012
Quasi Quasi album out at Narrominded
Dutch record label Narrominded release no.51 under name Quasi Quasi, a project by Gijs Borstlap and Kruno Jošt is out now.Quasi Quasi is a join project of Kaisergrutva and GentleJunk netlabels.
Here is short recap of the reviews:
The limited cd / free download Quasi Quasi by Kruno Jošt | Gijs Borstlap is only out for two weeks, but already received some raving reviews. Vital Weekly says their music is ’a curious hybrid of improvisation meeting noise meeting drone meeting rock’ and thinks that it’s ‘a trip that pays off.’ Subjectivisten / Caleidoscoop calls it a ‘fantastic project’ and Kindamuzik says that ‘the deconstructive Quasi Quasi shows that Narrominded, besides retro-electronics, is also deeply rooted in the current progressive improvisation music.’
Listen at Narrominded >>
Last Theater Show Ever
September started with THE LAST THEATER SHOW EVER, I-Camp theater, Munchen. Idea and methodology was to deconstruct traditional theater trough series of collaborative works where one work was supposed to lean on another, where each participant brings an idea and connects it to someone. International crew came around and investigated for 5 days in what might be called horizontal construction decision making and constant reevaluating of the final presentation that was constructed of three distinctive pieces.
All three were on collaboration but with different input and output models: one was following movements outside of theater and by computer calculations bringing it inside trough sound and visuals done with found (theater) hardware.
Another used sound in feedback communication that deconstructed viewers position and placement in theater, being done under the stage and audience sitting space.
Third one used virtual theater through on-line software with international particiants being projected on theater walls, together with orchestrated individual who brought event there.
Experiment was worth while intentions to discover what are group dynamics when artist are put together to work on something that calls for collaboration and sharing. Not to forget to mention that putting creativity with different bacgrounds into same place can be very frustrating and cathartic at the same time.
Deconstructing Berlin
At the inner parking, hidden from the rest of the world, in the secrecy of the night a gathering was supposed to happen. And an answer to that was a performance ending in the temporary ground graphite.

transit hotel temporary graphite. Asphalt, urine.
MIMOSA at Linz
During Liwoli festival in Linz (April 2009), Austria, Ricardo Palmieri and Kruno Jošt created another MIMOSA. Read more on creating it here >> and more on the MIMOSA ACTION here >>. Thanx for all the help to all participants!
At Liwoli fest a performance of LiveNoiseTupi also took place with helping hand of Daniel Turing and other people from the audience. Documentary about the festival can be downloaded here >> and photolog here>>.
Most interesting are talks made during MIMOSA Action with the students >>, free media jurnalist>>, tourist>> and with artist>>.
Deconstructing MAX ART exhibit
Deconstucting art work from yet unknown Croatian artist that was exhibiting at MAX ART festival happening in Zagreb in October 2008. Exhibit is glass layout of the Croatian parliament in which mice live.
What is visible is that there is a hand from the visitor trying to save the mice from the cage/parliament and let them free.
Deconstructing in heart of Rio
During opening session of Dorkbot Rio a team of deconstructionalists have performed once again. This time a ‘Fusca’ (popular Beetle or Volkswagen) produced in 1968 was carved down on 24th May 2008, 40 years after it was produced and 40 years after counterculture and those revolutionary days which are so much evoked in the Brazilian media today, due to older rich people remembering them as the ‘days when they were driving Beetles with the flowers in their hair’.
Dorkbot Rio was hosted by Circo Voador, famous club in the heart of Rio da Janeiro. Production unit were: Bruno Tarin, Bruno Vianna, Giuliano Bonorandi, Frado on sound and Kruno Jošt. Thousands of thanx to many others that helped and worked with us making video or photographic documentation we can all enjoy now. Thanx again to all people that came for the event and joined in at the end in the manner that I have encountered only with people from Brasil.
To see event photolog go here >>
Dorkbot-RJ Zero from bruno tarin on Vimeo.
DK:07:DU video
Deconstructing a car in amphitheater lookalike back yard was a successful step towards a participative mode in performing with young people. DK:07:DU performance was joined by two young and enthusiastic car destructionists in Dubrovnik. ZB introduced a new element in a performance – fire. Cheesy idea, but it was not planed. It was as natural as this performance is.
‘Deconstruction is in fact much closer to the original meaning of the word ‘analysis’ itself, which etymologically means “to undo” — a virtual synonym for “to de-construct.” … If anything is destroyed in a deconstructive reading, it is not the text, but the claim to unequivocal domination of one mode of signifying over another. A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyzes the specificity of a text’s critical difference from itself.’
Barbara Johnson (1981)
Dekonstrukcija Konstrukcije @ Pula
During MediaMediteranea’07 festival in Pula performance ‘Deconstruction of Construction’ was held in front of cultural center Karlo Rojc on Thursday 06/07/07. Peugot was cut in the half with help of the one person that came to participate in performance on our second call to general public. We also thank organizer Marino, his soldier Zeko (breaking the windshield in the movie), Pino (for hammering) and unknown bystander who joined us.
Deconstruction of Construction is performance with social awareness, created by Denis Miksic and Kruno Jost who are always on lookout for a new cars to cut. And to cut it with participation of as many people as possible.
Other car-cuting videos watch here >>
Putujući slobodni radio
Traveling free radio is a collaborative program between media activists, social scientiests, FOSS developers, musicians and sound artists, freedom fighters and people who have only one rule: never to speak about fight club.
Constructing: ‘UMJETNOST JE…’
Video installation ‘UMJETNOST JE…’ (ART IS…) can be seen on front windows of ex cinema ‘Kalnik’ in Križevci during night hours from 8th to 10th of June. Cinema ‘Kalnik’ is deserted and is not working for past 6 years.
Program ‘Unconquered City’ run by ‘Domaći’ has been researching unused or forgotten places (shops, factories, army barracks, etc.) in Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Pula and Križevci. This is second part of the project where, when spaces are located a temporary occupation and art exhibition is held inside or outside the building.
In Križevci ‘Domaći’ joined with ‘POUKŽ’ in financing the project. Part of the project is carried through network ‘Clubture’.
Beside ‘Art is…’ video installation by GentleJunk co. an theter will be run inside and throughout whole cinema by ‘Bacaći sjenki’ called ‘Exposition’.
Deconstruction of the T-com imperial structure took place as an off-program of the Centrifugal. The pole that is missing from T-com building fence will be the one that will carry German flag in the Croatian pavilion at next Venice Biennale. Art in process – art of progress.