Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘audio’ tag

Ode to Jerusalem Arthichoke

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“Ode to Jerusalem Artichoke” was primarily created as a composition written for violin and clarinet consequentially developed as a performance with Matej Hermšćec on clarinet and Mija Dugandžić-Marić on violin in the Jerusalem artichoke field.

Composition was conceived and a musical notation was made for a plant from the family Helianthus tuberosus L., which botanically belongs to the family Asteraceae (Compositae). When creating the composition, the specie, the way of growth, the time when it blooms and the relationship it creates with the environment (pollinators, other plants and animals) and advantages of cultivation, (e.g. soil remedy and easiness of growing in permaculture) as well as tuberous growths used in human and animal nutrition were taken into account.

This plant is cultivated all over the world today due to its edible and medicinal tuberous root, and it was cultivated by Native Americans even before the arrival of European settlers. Jerusalem artichoke has a wide range of therapeutic effects: immunostimulating, sedative, tonic, atherosclerotic, hypoglycaemic, laxative. It stabilizes sugar and cholesterol, as well as metabolism, removes radionuclides, stimulates tissue regeneration and normalizes intestinal microflora, is a nutrient base and building material for intestinal epithelium and increases immunity and haemoglobin, increases absorption of calcium and magnesium ions which is important for osteoporosis prevention. reduces appetite and thus contributes to the rapid saturation of the body with food. It effectively satisfies the need for carbohydrates and does not increase blood glucose levels and stimulates insulin production, prevents obesity and salt deposition, neutralizes toxins and heavy metals.

The “Ode to Jerusalem Artichoke” project is primarily realized in its desire to transfer the feeling of biophilia and ecocentrism to “other-than-human” inhabitants of the environment. This project is designed on the theoretical aspects found in writing of Clair Bishop, Donna Harrraway, Aldo Leoplold, T.J. Demos, John k. Grande and others that advocates the decolonization of our environment, an attempt to realize the transition from the relationship humans have to the plant world where human is the subject and the plant the object to the subject-subject relationship.


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November 20th, 2020 at 10:51 pm

Sound Art Inkubator 2013

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Sound Art Inkubator curated by Kontejner and exhibited in Gallery Močvara in Zagreb on opening day brought together Ivan Jovanovac, Tin Dožić and Kruno Jošt. Their collaboration is exquisite 30 minutes ambient dream.

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May 8th, 2013 at 8:39 pm

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Textil{e}tronics in Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia

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From textile to electronic thread, from substance to fashion item

02.03.2012. – 01.04.2012.
Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia 


‘Let’s now delve deep into the fluff’
Massimo Banzi, Getting Started with Arduino

‘Following the development of a simple thread into complex new media objects, the exhibition will touch upon recent developments in the areas of wearable technology and electronic sculpting through lumino light objects and the presentation of Arduino microcontrollers.

Dealing with sculptural textile (J. Štefanec) and electronic thread (A. Klančić), designed substance and new meanings of objects (P. Dona), as well as socially responsible textile art (M. M. Pungerčar), the exhibition presents an overview of contemporary new media directions and questions the meaning of the medium as such. The social and emacipatory aspects of textile arts are clear – they invoke thoughts of industrial manufacturing, DIY subculture and self-sustained systems, especially in relation to recent similar developments in the fields of open source and wearable technology (Arduino, Body Pixel Studio).

The thread as a seemingly fragile, but basically all-pervasive, almost indestructible matter, and the wire as a conductor and an arbiter of electrons are hereby linked. Juxtaposed in a way, the materials provide the cohesive narrative for the objects presented. The exhibition examines this link from the microscopic amorphous shape and suppleness of the material, all the way to the subtle robustness of the objects. Mechanic perfection, be it the human body or a machine, is not a prerogative here, since the delightful awkwardness of mechanics does not comply with the projected reality. The uncertainty of the performance which accompanies every new-media art process, is quite well suited to the fragility of the textile thread.’
Text by Deborah Hustic

Guerilla knitters: Una Bauer, Ana Dadić a.k.a. ŠtrikAna, Vana Gaćina, Ivana Ivković, Antonija Letinić, Maja Kalogera, Marijana Rimanić, Maša Žarnić.

Curator: Deborah Hustić

DIY Arduino by Davor Jandrijević Emard

Curator’s assistant & organizer: Ana Kovačić
Design: Petra Zlonoga
Music: Kruno Jošt



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March 2nd, 2012 at 9:58 am

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I Love Noise 1

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ILN 1 is recorded A/V performace lasting 25 minutes using moving images filmed on the travel to Dubrovnik, most South  (once free) city in Croatia.  Short clips are turned into loops and eventually became an abstraction that are powering the sound behind it. Using Pure Data and sometimess WIImote controler an intensive performance that goes into sphere of self investigation and spiritual.

Download video  here >>

Written by admin

July 1st, 2009 at 1:25 pm

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New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Wonderful Industry

WIA compilation of two last sessions recorded at the “Silence Reservoir” venue in Zagreb, Croatia by Impromondays crew:
Dragan Pajic – Pajo: noises, prepared piano, vocals, el. guitar and effects;
Anna Ghallo: poetry, vocals with effects;
Kruno Jošt: el.guitar with effects, laptop, prepared instruments.

Sometimes scary, sometimes ironic, sometimes psychedelic but always elegant and educational relationship of inner world and outside technology specified in rhymes such as: ” I want to have sexual relationship with Bill Gatess” or using actively a passive digital recorder made mistakes and sel-edited cuts.
Recorded summer 2008.
Time: 30 min.

Written by admin

May 23rd, 2009 at 2:54 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Assorted Assault

Alexandre Torres Porres is a musician from Brazil with Master’s Degree in Composition and currently at a doctorate in Computer Music. Interested in many things from Brazilian Pop Music, Erudit to Noise. He also signs some of his stuff under Mental Osmosis and is the newest addition to LiveNoiseTupi.
In this compilation, you will find some assorted productions. He acts as a composer, performer, and gets sounds out of many instruments at his home studio, but really studies how to use the computer as an instrument, for productions and live performances. More on Torres Porres work
Length: 20 min
Recorded at ATP home studio in 2007/08.


Written by admin

May 22nd, 2009 at 10:45 pm

GentleJunk @ Free Radio: Stanica M.I.R. – StarMali live 2006

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StarMali live @ FRSM 2006

‘GentleJunk @ Free Radio: Stanica M.I.R. – StarMali live 2006′ are live radio shows produced for ‘GentleJunk co. Free Radio’ that is member of internet radio network FRSM in Croatia.

‘StarMali’ shows are live recordings using mostly digital equipment and free and non-free software. Sounds in each session vary from drone, long dreamy sounds, broken beats, clicks and noises.

GentleJunk co. NetLabel release 19/02/09
Recorded during  2006
Duration: 62 minutes


Written by admin

February 19th, 2009 at 2:50 am


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LNT has had 6 performances since November 2008 until end of February 2009. It is project that was born under exchange of open culture between Croatia and Brazil and established by Ricardo Palmieri, by making PD patch under name od ‘I Love Noise’. Since than history is in making. LNT performed in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Sao Paulo and Sao Caetano. Audio visual performance are bricolage of noise, circuit bending and prepared instruments sounds, improvisation, collaboration with local artists and spoken word on Tupi lenguages, a similarity of languages most of west coast South American natives are speaking.

For your viewing pleasure performance recorded at Sao Caetano in two parts.

Part one:

Part two

Written by admin

February 18th, 2009 at 1:18 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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The Closet

Tapes mixed, analogue overdubbed with noises, voices, on the top of that old records (maybe pulled out of the closet?). Noise bricolage from suicidal genius that goes by the name POLYGRAPH .

3 pieces ‘The Closet’ are about coming out of one, or digging deep into one… decide on your own.

126 minutes of noise bricolage at it’s best, uncut, pure, serious and with no stops.

GentleJunk co. NetLabel release 18/12/07
Recorded somewhere 2005

Written by admin

December 18th, 2008 at 2:30 am

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Another noise bricolage from suicidal genius that goes by the name POLYGRAPH compiled on feelings of old records, found sounds, whispers, etc. Polygraph is using couple of old tape recorders, microphones, record player, old synth…
Colossus is a greater than Colossus computer used for breaking codes in WWII, but has it’s own code breaking quality. Colossus is grand in its 2 hours of sound statue.
120 minutes of noise bricolage, uncut, pure, serious and with no stops.

GentleJunk co. NetLabel release 16/12/07
Recorded somewhere 2005

Written by admin

December 16th, 2008 at 7:49 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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HEIKE FIEDLER: vocals and lyrics, traverse flute, melodia
STEVE BUCHANAN: 2nd line, electronics, el. guitar, alto sax
KRUNO JOST: laptop, classical guitar, el. guitar, melodia

RUNNING TIME: 26 TRACKS, 25:23 min (here all as one track)

GentleJunk co. rec. 08.
COVER: Kruno Jost

Written by admin

November 25th, 2008 at 12:35 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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LNT @ St. John the Frog

LiveNoiseTupi live recording at Žabno studio with guest artist Sasa Huzjak (el. guitar, effects). LNT are Cristiano Rosa (prepared electronics), Ricardo Palmieri (prepared electronics) and Kruno Jost (el. guitar, effects).
Recorded and edited by Kruno Jost November 2008.
30 min


Written by admin

November 14th, 2008 at 7:30 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Improvised noise session of 3 numbers ranging from whitenoise to travel sound to freeimpro piano.
Done in FOSS with PD, arduino as controller, Jack Rack and Qsynth.

Musicians: GentleJunk and VJPalm.

Recorded summer 2008 in Krizevci, Croatia


Written by admin

November 13th, 2008 at 3:49 pm

New releases on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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gj-margini sonori2GentleJunk – Margini Sonori II (live at Barrio’s caffe)
GentleJunk recorded live at Barrio’s Caffe during second edition of non conventional music program ‘Margini Sonori’ in Milan, Italy was an audio visual performance. GentleJunk NetLabel releases audio track that still remains in passages of visual narrative. Dreamy piano, noisy electric wire, glitches and digital clicks.
Time 45 min.
Recorded on 05.02.2008. by ODRZ.


ppa.jpgThird I – “This is our post postapocalypse”
follows Third I first album “When Tomorrow Hits”.
“THIRD I started by the end of 2005. It brings you industrial, dark ambient, (harsh) noise, dark electro, experimental, ambiental, drone, low-fi sounds… We are constantly working on our new stuff and we have few demos waiting to be released. We are open for split releases or any kind of colaboration and direct communication with noisy / experimental / harsh / noisecore / grind / power-electronics / industrial bands, labels, distro, radio shows, zines… Labels contact us if you are interested in releasing any of our works in any format (3″/5″ CD/CDr, 5″/7″/10″/12″ vinyl, tape, DVD, net release etc). On this page you can find our complete discography and download most of our releases for free. THIRD I is into DIY and we are strongly chained to DIY ethics.”


3way.jpg“Bad Seed of Cuprija noise scene”
“Ko ne plati na mostu platiće na Ćupriji” or “Bad Seed of Ćuprija noise scene” is 3way split:
Endless Conflict – experimental / noise ilija666 at
Oil – dark electro / experimental alequ83 at
Third I – industrial / noise hellycherry at
CDR was released by Zvukovina and you can get FREE cds at viktorliebezeit at Net Release was done by numerous net labels such as Kaos Ex Machina, Neurotic Mind, Deadknife,…

Written by admin

March 27th, 2008 at 7:46 pm


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Theramin session, radio hacking session, joined work, theramin audio installations, live acts and performances and cellular automata music presentation (more than installation) could be seen at opening in Kunsarkaden gallery on Saturday 24th of November 2007.

cellular automata presentation-Kunserkaden-Munich

“An annual mini a=v FESTIVAL features workshops, live sound-visual acts, improvisational concerts/performances, audience-interactive installations and other live and non-passive forms of audio-visual uncommercial communication. It aims to present and promote independent artistic developments and encourage experimental *do it yourself* activities.”

Hacked portable radio

Many hands joining together to create chaos out of, sometimes too structured, north-west-European culture, de-constructing old radios and constructing improvisational sound sessions (concerts) for large number of culture consumers in rich spoiled west. Human Theramin antenna was controlled by visitors joining hands – the first art gallery opening where I have had the pleasure to see something similar.

Photolog >>

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

Munich Radio Hacking Orchestra aka circuit bending workshop participant’s concert was recorded and relesed on GentleJunk Netlabel.
Circuit-bending / radio-hacking workshop participants and performers are: Daniel Door/de, Guenther Gessert/at, Heike Siegert/de, Jordi Sanchez Puig/es, Judith Egger/de, Jakob Doering/de, Kruno Jost/hr, Michael Kurz/de, Martin Krejci/de, Natalia Borissova/ru de, Anna Sobczak/pl de.
Workshop leaders: Sarah Washington/uk de, Knut Aufermann/ de.
Edite by Kruno Jošt, published on GentleJunk co. NetLabel November 2007.


Written by admin

November 25th, 2007 at 8:41 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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IMPROMONDAYS @ NO JAZZ FESTIVALImpromondays crew performing on No Jazz festival in Zagreb, ITD, Student Center 05.11.2007.
Vid Jeraj – tenor sax
D.P.Pajic – El.guitar, fx., percussions;
Kruno Jost – El.guitar, fx., laptop;
Anna Ghallo – vocal;
Višeslav Labosh – turntable, sound generator, effects.
Released on GentleJunk NetLabel November 2007.
Running time: 42 min

Photolog >>


Written by admin

November 15th, 2007 at 2:01 am

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Third I “Live at Third I Theatre (Collaboration with Oyed)” is a release that was first released on Polish netlabel Kaos ex Machina. GentleJunk NetLabel is re-releasing it as a reference to netlabel culture where artist reservs the rights on its material, not the label. (Check for licencing on the download page)

From Third I Myspace:
‘THIRD I started by the end of 2005. It brings you industrial, dark ambient, (harsh) noise, dark electro, experimental, ambiental, drone, low-fi sounds… We are constantly working on our new stuff and we have few demos waiting to be released.’


Written by admin

November 4th, 2007 at 5:52 pm


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cincin score

Together with other 999 people GentleJunk co. covers famous CinCin Man song.


Written by admin

October 30th, 2007 at 6:14 am

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Make your own music with cellular automata

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cellular automata visualy

No more boring! No more looking for who can you rob off at the top 10 hits shared on p2p! No more looking for how to copy a pirated disc of latest! latest! latest! No more MTV! No more music industry! Cellular automata music is here!
Make your own music with cellular automata script written in python. All things you need are zipped here >>. Complete video tutorial can be downloaded at

Search for more sound fonts on net, upload your work at and send us a note. You can freely work on our script and adjust it to your needs. Pls send us a note when you get interesting sounds.

Written by admin

September 20th, 2007 at 3:32 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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True and dark, orgasmic reference to cosmopolitanism with guest star Omar Sharif and his British intrinsically motivated companions.

This album has no relevance whatsoever in NOISE.WALL production and if you intent to listen to it you are obliged to process it in your own way, reuse-it, destroy it, compile it, reverse it, remix it, play it in reverse, sample it, sign it with your name and sell it to your own financial advantage…

Recorded & edited @ GentleJunk co. homestudio

Written by admin

September 12th, 2007 at 11:13 am

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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image thnx to Alex, Palm and ProcessingGentleJunk co.
Albume a Day – CA1
In Album a Day manner minimal constructions of cellular automata generated sounds and compositions. CA in python software application written by Lesh, other FOSS audio applications done in Ubuntu studio Linux distribution.
CA is digital game of life, as this is game of sound.
Recorded and published in GentleJunk NetLabel home-studio on 30/08/2007.

A cellular automaton is a group of cells that evolves only by nearest neighbor interaction. They are thought to be able to represent the evolution of living organisms and minerals. It is usually assumed that every cell in the universe starts in the same state, except for a finite number of cells in other states, often called a configuration. More generally, it is sometimes assumed that the universe starts out covered with a periodic pattern, and only a finite number of cells violate that pattern. The latter assumption is common in one-dimensional cellular automata.

Written by admin

September 2nd, 2007 at 10:54 pm