Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘research’ Category

Playing for Microbes

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During nonconsecutive three months artist in residency in Halland region of Sweden, a research was conducted around the problematic toxic sediment created by extensive industrial history of the Borås city on the Viskan river as a part of proposals for the theme of artistic “ecological literacy”.

During residency, for the project purposes Viskan was visited on many occasion. Canoe travel was undertaken to collect samples of the river that were later used to examine microbiological life of the river.

As known from scientific research, some forms of toxicity can be remediated with microorganisms so this was taken as an inspiration to look into ways of enlarging their numbers and activity locally.

Microorganisms can be influenced trough certain sound frequencies in certain volumes that in some cases enlarges their number in shorter time, and without any unwanted effects to environment.

After conducting a research on sound frequencies and its influences on observed microorganisms in the collected samples some of them were designed for the informance (informative performance) on the river itself.

Canoe was arranged into a vessel that can take one participants on the river trip. This canoe had an installation for playing sounds beneficial for the bacteria, but was also tailored for each participant to get into a state of appreciation of the river. At the same time participants could release what is known as Miracle Enzyme, organic compound beneficial for the microorganisms that was created in a prior workshop. An intimate visual reference was tailored for each individual observance of Viskan river and its inhabitants, with accompanying sound and information about micro and macro cosmos.

Research and performative action were executed during Art Inside Out residency Between the Rains in region Halland, Sweden in 2022.

Whole photo-log can be seen below
Betwen the Rains - Art Inside Out residency, Sweden

Written by admin

November 9th, 2022 at 4:05 pm

guidelines for possible futures VI

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Written by admin

August 18th, 2016 at 6:56 pm

Reclaim and Defend the ‘Old Territories’

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Reclaiming and defending the ‘old territories’  for any meaningful and inhabitable future.

MMkamp brought more than 30 people together to investigate, reclaim, create TAZ, participate, learn, acknowledge and appreciate trough workshop and presentation.

Have a look at photolog.

Written by admin

August 27th, 2013 at 7:35 pm

chaos, cosmos and borders

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Written by admin

March 17th, 2012 at 9:10 pm

Posted in constructing,research,sketch,video

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ART01 Project in its 11th Month

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ART01 is a project that examines art operating systems trough self reflection on artistic practices done in last 11 months – from September 2009 to July 2010. On 25th July ART01 has a public presentation in ContentArt gallery, Kreutzbergstr. Berlin. Please join for collaborative public event, spiced with pirate radio, on-line broadcast, social games, linux install party, exchange and swap, loop and feedback.

More on ART 01

Diagrams are important part of ART01 project, have a look at gallery >>

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Written by admin

July 20th, 2010 at 11:13 pm

Sound of travel

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Bank of sounds recorded during travel – monotonous, meditative trips trough different states of living organism called Earth.

Sounds have been collected mostly from trains, buses and airplanes and while walking.

Sounds are unedited and can be played in any combination or order. They represent specific time and specific place that one cannot see but can listen and imagine.

Check it here>>

Written by admin

March 6th, 2008 at 8:17 pm

Posted in research,sketch

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Semantics and Free Web Poetry

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Free Web Poetry screenshot of song under name 'Postovani konj'

In the concept of Free Web Poetry ‘Free’ refers to freedom of expression (freedom for nonlinear expression and intuitive creation), ‘Web’ refers to online but also web-like structure, and ‘Poetry’ is from the Greek “ποίησις“, poiesis, a ‘making’ or ‘creating’.

you findyourfoodinyou

FWP could be intriguing for writers and artists who like to make complex nonlinear structures. I use it for making interactive  cut-up / haiku poems  – poems change as reader clicks on the nodes.


How to use: download and install xebece (software developed by Roman Kennke). Write a short sentence or a word in each node, make connection to next node and keep on writing. Play with the structure and new meaning will arise.

Download short video (5 Mb) in ogg theora codec of FWP ‘Poštovani konj’ (‘Respected Horse’).

Written by admin

January 18th, 2008 at 8:36 pm


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Download A SKETCH for THE STUDY IN THE GENEALOGY OF SUBCULTURES relative to the STRUGGLE BETWEEN HUMANS AND MACHINES and please contact me for further references or questions

Presentation .odp >>

Presentation .ppt >>

Written by admin

November 1st, 2007 at 5:14 pm

Research in CAM

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Following audio file has been recorded on September 24th evening (2007) in GJ studio as a part of research in CELLULAR AUTOMATA MUSIC that was developed in GentleJunk co. labaratory.

Main occupations in this generated piece is correspondence of rhythmic instruments and time. It is work of 4 slightly different CA scripts that are directed in improvised way. A relationship is developed by connecting seemingly indefinite loops and revolving them back to their own start point.

Written by admin

September 25th, 2007 at 5:02 pm