Kruno Jošt


Archive for the ‘news/vijesti’ Category

“The Invisible Life of the Mirna River”

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“The Invisible Life of the Mirna River” is interdisciplinary project presented at64th Exhibition of the Poreč Annals under the curatorial direction of Jerica Ziherl and Suzana Marjanić resulting in group exhibition “Long live the animals! … And what would the animals say about us?”, with Marina Abramović, Đanino Božić, Nikolina Butorac, Ines Matijević Cakić, Hrvoje Cokarić, Tajči Čekada, Gundi Dietz, Rui Miguel Leitao Ferreira, Ivana Filip, Igor Grubić, Stanislav Habjan, Edgar Honetschläger, Kruno Jošt, Bianca Kennedy, Dan Oki, Ivana Ožetski, Davor Sanvincenti, Anna Spanlang, Šikuti Machine, Bojan Šumonja, Ivan Tripar, Zoran Unković i Saša Živković.

ILMR consists of videos captured by microscope enlarged microbial life of Mirna (Croatian for “quiet”) river that is situated next to Novigrad in Istria presented in two channel video installation together with audio composition created especially for Mirna’s microbiome.


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January 9th, 2025 at 12:12 pm

Playing for Microbes

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During nonconsecutive three months artist in residency in Halland region of Sweden, a research was conducted around the problematic toxic sediment created by extensive industrial history of the Borås city on the Viskan river as a part of proposals for the theme of artistic “ecological literacy”.

During residency, for the project purposes Viskan was visited on many occasion. Canoe travel was undertaken to collect samples of the river that were later used to examine microbiological life of the river.

As known from scientific research, some forms of toxicity can be remediated with microorganisms so this was taken as an inspiration to look into ways of enlarging their numbers and activity locally.

Microorganisms can be influenced trough certain sound frequencies in certain volumes that in some cases enlarges their number in shorter time, and without any unwanted effects to environment.

After conducting a research on sound frequencies and its influences on observed microorganisms in the collected samples some of them were designed for the informance (informative performance) on the river itself.

Canoe was arranged into a vessel that can take one participants on the river trip. This canoe had an installation for playing sounds beneficial for the bacteria, but was also tailored for each participant to get into a state of appreciation of the river. At the same time participants could release what is known as Miracle Enzyme, organic compound beneficial for the microorganisms that was created in a prior workshop. An intimate visual reference was tailored for each individual observance of Viskan river and its inhabitants, with accompanying sound and information about micro and macro cosmos.

Research and performative action were executed during Art Inside Out residency Between the Rains in region Halland, Sweden in 2022.

Whole photo-log can be seen below
Betwen the Rains - Art Inside Out residency, Sweden

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November 9th, 2022 at 4:05 pm

Mobile Sound Fertilizer installed at Stützpunkt ​Teufelsberg, Berlin

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MSF at Stützpunkt ​Teufelsberg gallery, Berlin, is an installation that uses renewable energy, plant, light and sound to create elements that are presented in need of questioning relations of “us” and “nature”.


Installation produces light and sound frequencies that are beneficial to the plant. It is a mobile installation that is powered by sun light over photo-voltaic panel. Electricity is than stored in a battery that powers recycled mobile phone playing specific frequencies for the plant. Battery also powers a light that shines trough red and blue led diodes benefiting plant growth and fruit development.


MSF is art that is beneficial to the plant. It is not solely here to be an art piece for human observation. thus, it is asking a question of art production – who is it for and why, art institutions – who they present art and why, and reasons for art in Anthropocene.

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November 10th, 2018 at 7:07 pm

“Ecocentric” exhibition with the students in RMZ EcoWorld, Bangalore

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3 weeks of workshops with Srishti University for Art, Design and Technology students resulted with an exhibition opened on 14.12.17.  in the complex of RMZ Ecoworld in Banglaore, India’s most rapidly growing city that has it’s devastating effect on the environment. As Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, its population is growing at amazing rate. RMZ IT Park, with office spaces, health activity facilities, shopping, dining, amphitheatre and art gallery, promotes itself as “work-leisure sustainable environment where natural and architectural forms are symbiotically integrated using responsible planning and precise engineering”.

Site specific installation “Ecocentric” juxtapositions its organic aesthetics to human engineered pavilion that proudly announces its ecological concept. A small forest was created, mulched with coconut leftovers from Bangalore street vendors. After that it was inhabited with multi-plant life that was “fed” by the custom frequencies from small speakers placed in the soil.

LCD screen was informing public on ecocentric activities dating all the way back to beginning of 20th century, proposing sound as a genuine organic fertilizer for the plants.

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April 27th, 2018 at 10:06 am

16 channel sound fertilizer (sound garden) @ silba art environement

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16 Channel Fertilizer (2.0) was exhibited at Silba Art Environment festival happening during July and August 2017 at small island Silba, set just off the coast of Croatia’s town of Zadar. 16CSF is upgrade on 1.0 of the same multichannel sound installation presented earlier this year in Berlin. This time set up is at Silba’s open space gallery among sculptural work of Marija Ujević Galetović. Each channel is playing one of the researched sounds or musical scores that is said to help particular aspects or plants with its vibration. Exhibition is thus not set for humans, but for plant world.

Installation consists of small wooden resonant boxes that have transportable battery and solar panel connected to them that are powering recycled mobile phones used as sound players. each sound box was set up near its plant, growing there because it was planted or self-grown. They stay in contrast to sculptural work by their number and position, not intending to be there for human visitors, but placed around and for the plants.

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August 9th, 2017 at 8:58 pm

De(con)struction in MAKE8ELEIVE issue #3

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De(con)struction found its way into issue number 3 of on-line magazine MAKE8ELIEVE: 3rd issues topic was OIL.

Jennifer Axner, Julie Badin, Hélène Baril, Kristen Baumlier, Mehdi Benkler, Edward Burtynsky, Arnaud Cohen, Valerie Constantino, Stephanie Craig, Olivier De Sagazan, Cédric De Smedt, Jason DeMarte, Adam Dumont, Edouard Duvernay, Jane Fulton Alt, Olivier Garraud, Mihai Grecu, Henry Hargreaves, David Herbold, Ryan Hopkinson & Christopher Raeburn, Rebecca Horne, Franck Hoursiangou, Kennedy James, Harris Johnson, Kruno Jost, Sofia Karlström, Amir Hossein Keihani, Florent Konné, Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Liberate Tate, Katie Loesel, Antonio Maia & Fernando Belfiore, Michael Massaia, Lauren McCleary, Elizabeth McCue, Michelle Marie Murphy, Sorin Oncu, Holly Parker, Vincent Petitpierre, Sarah Pickering, Wilson Roscoe, Evan Roth, Mary Rothlisberger, Fred Rougerune Loison, Diego Sanchez, Wolfgang Stiller, Arya Sukapura Putra, Marc Neys Swoon, Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, Carlos Vergara, Paul White, Christophe Wlaeminck, Marshall McLuhan, Slavoj Žižek, M.I.A., Roland Barthes, Yohji Yamamoto, Larry Hagman as J.R. Ewing.

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February 9th, 2013 at 10:06 am

Welcome Back Ye Annunaki

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Welcome Back Ye Annunaki is a showcase of works answering the question How would you host an ancient alien? The artists in the exhibition responded to an international call for proposals inspired by Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles, a book detailing how the human species originated from extraterrestrial beings. These distant relatives are scheduled to return to the earth in December 2012.

Participating artists have proposed a variety of convivial acts to welcome Annunaki families from the planet Nibiru upon their return visit to earth after a 3,600-year orbit. The projects take a variety of forms, from an intergalactic calling card to a bed away from home, collegial gestures of kindness that reveal the customs that we embrace as human citizens of earth.

Welcome Back Ye Annunaki provides a constructive take on Sitchin’s mythology, one of the many associated with the year 2012. Exhibition is held in Open Space Artist Run Centre (Victoria, Canada), November 16, 2012 – December 21, 2012.

Among many, I am am the one, who has been contacted by Annunaki, many times, sometimes while asleep, sometimes awake. They inform me over and over again of their visit, and I know I have to await for them and clean my temple. I have to await and take care of the temple that will host them. And that temple is me.

Most of us are unaware that Annunaki is/are not of mater, but of spirit, and to host them you do not clean the interior of your house, but interior of your self. One cleans it with rigour, spiritual and mental, in taking out the trash, and taking in the health and beauty.

When Annunaki comes, we greet It to our temple, we let It to ourself, and we carry It where we go, we feed It what we eat, It sleeps when we sleep, It sees what we see. That is why if we host them we have to restrain from bad habits, we have to restrain from manipulative toughs, we have to restrain from hurting ourself and others. When we host It we do it with pleasure and It lives trough us.

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January 1st, 2013 at 10:40 pm

New release on GentleJunk co. NetLabel

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Impromondays: Tracery

WITracery is three piece recording filled with ostinatos. It traces atmospheres of Gothic churches in minimal manner. Not a usual Impromondays recording, this one has more harmonics, playfully shared by two guitars. Its seriousness and interest is everlasting

Impromondays crew:
Dragan Pajic – Pajo: noises, prepared frying pan, vocals, el. guitar and effects;
Kruno Jošt: el.guitar with effects, laptop, prepared instruments.

Impromondays are sessions recorded at ‘Silence Reservoir’ (Parainstitut Indoš) club in Zagreb. This sessions are dedicated to all who are interested in improvisation in its full sense, no matter if it is visual, musical or concerned with the body movement.

Recorded April 2010.
Edited by Dragan Pajić Pajo

GentleJunk co. NetLabel release ’10
Time: 25 min.

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November 2nd, 2010 at 4:04 pm

ART01 Project in its 11th Month

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ART01 is a project that examines art operating systems trough self reflection on artistic practices done in last 11 months – from September 2009 to July 2010. On 25th July ART01 has a public presentation in ContentArt gallery, Kreutzbergstr. Berlin. Please join for collaborative public event, spiced with pirate radio, on-line broadcast, social games, linux install party, exchange and swap, loop and feedback.

More on ART 01

Diagrams are important part of ART01 project, have a look at gallery >>

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

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July 20th, 2010 at 11:13 pm

Quasi Quasi album out at Narrominded

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Dutch record label Narrominded release no.51 under name Quasi Quasi, a project by Gijs Borstlap and Kruno Jošt is out now.Quasi Quasi is a join project of Kaisergrutva and GentleJunk netlabels.

Here is short recap of the  reviews:

The limited cd / free download Quasi Quasi by Kruno Jošt | Gijs Borstlap is only out for two weeks, but already received some raving reviews. Vital Weekly says their music is ’a curious hybrid of improvisation meeting noise meeting drone meeting rock’ and thinks that it’s ‘a trip that pays off.’ Subjectivisten / Caleidoscoop calls it a ‘fantastic project’ and Kindamuzik says that ‘the deconstructive Quasi Quasi shows that Narrominded, besides retro-electronics, is also deeply rooted in the current progressive improvisation music.’

Listen at Narrominded >>

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July 14th, 2010 at 7:40 pm


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GentleJunk is sharing a virtual stage with Julie Rousse on upcoming noplacard festival, Sunday 17th February, 2 o’clock in the morning.

is a mix in between the (((NOMUSIC))) festival and the placard headphone festival that lasts for 24 hours in Paris at la menagerie de verre during the Economie0 event.

(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space. Nowadays, these emerging new multimedia performances allow everybody to approach music in a more singular way, with a different listening practice and on a more sharing scene.

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February 10th, 2008 at 9:17 pm

Exchange of pirated CDs and DVDs

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pirated media exchangeCroatian and Brasilian representatives that are developing the initiative for permanent exchange in free and open culture have met in Karlovac at the festival ‘Nepokoreni Grad’ on 24th of August 2007.

Representatives have exchanged presents of good will – pirated copies CDs and DVDs with local content. This exchange of pirated media is an attempt (from Greek peirān: to attempt) to establish permanent exchange in media, knowledge and creativity.

Party with international guests was held afterwards where death of Evil Tony was celebrated. You can read more about this event on MMKamp blog.

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August 27th, 2007 at 2:28 pm

MMKamp started in Dubrovnik

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As a part of iCommnos Summit MMKamp has started yesterday in Art Workshop Lazareti, Dubrovnik.
MMK ‘07 is an international “artist residency” project based on collaboration between non-profit organizations, artists, tactical media activists and ones who don’t know yet what they are and dont care much.
MMKamp is an art and new media laboratory, platform for researching, new media experimenting and developing new artistic and communication forms, through self-initiated collaboration among international artists and new media workers.
Read more and listen to Free Traveling Radio pod-casts here >>

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June 16th, 2007 at 11:55 am


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Deconstruction of the T-com imperial structure took place as an off-program of the Centrifugal. The pole that is missing from T-com building fence will be the one that will carry German flag in the Croatian pavilion at next Venice Biennale. Art in process – art of progress.


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May 30th, 2007 at 3:50 pm

‘Operacija grad: Jedinstvo’ >> photolog

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IMPROMONDAYS  @ operacija jedinstvo‘Paranstitute Indoš’, or rather a space under working title ‘Silence Reservoir’, hosted three days of ‘Impromondays’ with many guests such as: Vili Matula, Košavić Andreja, Vid Jeraj, Kruno Jošt, Igor Pavlica, Damir Prica Kafka Capri, Dragan Pajić and many more during a festival ‘Operation City: Jednistvo (Unity)’.
Same space hosted a multimedia instalation ‘TVTURNOFF’ that coincided with the TvTurnoff Week, a work by Kruno Jošt on friday 27th, and audio work by Ivan Marušić Klif on saturday 28th of April.

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April 30th, 2007 at 10:57 am

Posted in news/vijesti,photo

13/04-14/04/2007+Noise festival 2007 – Ljubljana

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Zid.Buke (IL.MURO.DEL.RU-MUORE) nastupio je na festivalu u ‘Menza pri Koritu’, Ljubljana na Noise Festival 2007 zajedno sa: SUŠI PANK (Domžale), ERIC BOROS (Kanada/Francija), CITIES IN DESOLATION (Grčija), RINUS VAN ALEBEEK (Nizozemska), ANALOG SUICIDE (Turčija), MASSACCESI (ZDA), ODRZ (Italija), ZID.BUKE (Hrvaška), AMBA (Srbija), MATTIN (Baskija).
Recenzije s Radiostudenta >>

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April 19th, 2007 at 9:08 am

Posted in info,news/vijesti,photo

GenteleJunk co. also downloadable from

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New GentleJunk co. live recording can be found at Album is called ‘Business or Pleasure?’ and can be downloaded here>>
Some of the drone sounds done in the Album a day style – album produced in a day from idea to final editing. Principle is that final editing is done on three tracks max.(in Audacity). Only fade in fade out and equalization is permitted to preserve the original recording. Instruments – el.guitar, effects, pedals, laptop.

Written by admin

March 8th, 2007 at 12:04 am

Posted in music,news/vijesti

Research blog opened

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We have opened a new blog for Free Culture Research in Brazil. It will follow travel in Brazil from 13th of March to begining of April. More >>

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February 11th, 2007 at 3:21 pm

‘Free Media Brazil’ will be screened at ‘Sloboda stvaralaštvu’ festival

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[photopress:bscap001_1.jpg,full,alignleft] First part of the project in progress under working tite ‘Free Media Brazil’ is finished and will be screened at ‘Sloboda stvaralaštvu’ on 24th January at MM center (SC, Zagreb). Web version licensed Creative Commons BY-SA can be downloaded freely.

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January 18th, 2007 at 6:33 pm

Croatia – Brazil cultural exchange

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For the second time Ministry of Culture Croatia will support project ‘Croatia&Brazil – Free Cultures’. After initial visit to Brazilian cultural centers last year, this year’s visit will be orientated towards research in Brazilian Free Culture. Cultural Centers and Free Culture activists will be visited and talks on possibilities of opening Brazilian Culture Center during Icommons Summmit in Dubrovnik will be discussed.
Research visit to Brazil will probably take place in late March. WordPress<meta content=" 2.0 (Linux)" name="GENERATOR" /><meta content="k" name="AUTHOR" /><meta content="20070112;13555600" name="CREATED" /><meta content="16010101;0" name="CHANGED" /> blog will be opened soon and research material  will be accessible to all.</p> </div> <div class="meta group"> <div class="signature"> <p>Written by admin <span class="edit"></span></p> <p>January 12th, 2007 at 2:09 pm</p> </div> <div class="tags"> <p>Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">international</a>,<a href="" rel="category tag">news/vijesti</a></p> </div> </div> <h2 id="post-5"><a href="" rel="bookmark">GentleJunk co. blog opened on 06th November 2006</a></h2> <p class="comments"><a href="">without comments</a></p> <div class="main"> <p>GentleJunk co. (colective) blog is opened on 06th november 2006. at the same day in history:# 1944 – Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford Atomic Facility, subsequently used in the Fat Man Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.<br /> # 1965 – Freedom Flights begin: Cuba and the United States formally agree to start an airlift for Cubans who want to go to the United States. By 1971, 250,000 Cubans will take advantage of this program.<br /> # 1971 – The AEC tests the largest U.S. underground hydrogen bomb, code-named Cannikin, on Amchitka Island in the Aleutians.<br /> # 1975 – Green March begins: 300,000 unarmed Moroccans converge on the southern city of Tarfaya and wait for a signal from King Hassan II of Morocco to cross into Western Sahara.<br /> # 1975 – The Sex Pistols play their first concert at St. Martin’s School of Art in London.<br /> # 1985 – In Colombia, leftist guerrillas of the April 19 Movement seize control of the Palace of Justice in Bogotá, eventually killing 115 people, 11 of them Supreme Court justices.<br /> # 1985 – “Irangate” scandal: The American press reveals that US President Ronald Reagan had authorized the shipment of arms to Iran.<br /> # 1999 – Australians vote to keep the British monarch as their head of state in the Australian republic referendum.</p> </div> <div class="meta group"> <div class="signature"> <p>Written by admin <span class="edit"></span></p> <p>November 11th, 2006 at 2:46 pm</p> </div> <div class="tags"> <p>Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">news/vijesti</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="navigation group"> <div class="alignleft"></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="textwidget"><p>Rasoja 10, 53244 Lovinac, Croatia</p> <p>kruno.jost at</p> <p>00 385 95 814 4415 (accessible via Signal)</p> </div> <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action=""> <div> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Search for:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" /> </div> </form><h3>1. 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PROJECTS with own WWW</h3> <ul class='xoxo blogroll'> <li><a href="" title="…on synchronisity of art and culture, technology and environment">2008 – 2019 "Research"</a></li> <li><a href="" title="“how to” in autonomous art (metadata)">2009 – 2011 "ART01"</a></li> <li><a href="" title="CultureRobot project blog">2009 – 2014 "CultureRobot"</a></li> <li><a href="" title="side by side">2012 – "Parataxis"</a></li> <li><a href="" title="16 channel sound installation for modular interpretation">2014 – 2017 "16 channels"</a></li> <li><a href="" title="MobileArtDome">2014 "MAD"</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="noopener" title="Ecocentric Artistic Practice" target="_blank">2017 "Ecocentric"</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="noopener" title="Diary on post-normal art practice 2021 by Kruno Jošt" target="_blank">2021 "Post-normal Art"</a></li> </ul> <h3>3. COLLABORATE/PARTICIPATE</h3> <ul class='xoxo blogroll'> <li><a href="" title="Experimental Electronic Interventions">EEII</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="noopener" title="Non-conventional sound art and music archive" target="_blank">GentleJunk NetLabel</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Multimedia camp">MMKamp</a></li> <li><a href="" title="arhiva">ON ARCHIVE.ORG</a></li> </ul> <h3>4. 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