Kruno Jošt


Semantics and Free Web Poetry

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Free Web Poetry screenshot of song under name 'Postovani konj'

In the concept of Free Web Poetry ‘Free’ refers to freedom of expression (freedom for nonlinear expression and intuitive creation), ‘Web’ refers to online but also web-like structure, and ‘Poetry’ is from the Greek “ποίησις“, poiesis, a ‘making’ or ‘creating’.

you findyourfoodinyou

FWP could be intriguing for writers and artists who like to make complex nonlinear structures. I use it for making interactive  cut-up / haiku poems  – poems change as reader clicks on the nodes.


How to use: download and install xebece (software developed by Roman Kennke). Write a short sentence or a word in each node, make connection to next node and keep on writing. Play with the structure and new meaning will arise.

Download short video (5 Mb) in ogg theora codec of FWP ‘Poštovani konj’ (‘Respected Horse’).

Written by admin

January 18th, 2008 at 8:36 pm

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  1. izgleda ful zanimljivo. probat cu jedan dan tu shemu….


    29 Feb 08 at 20:36

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